Child, Lee – The Enemy

was a colonel. He was in BDUs. His tapes said: Willard, U.S. Army. He had iron-grey hair parted in a schoolboy style. It

needed a trim. He had steel-rimmed eyeglasses and the kind of

grey pouchy face that must have looked old when he was

twenty. He was short and relatively squat and the way his

shoulders failed to fill his BDUs told me he spent no time at all

in the gym. He had a problem sitting still. He was rocking to

his left and plucking at his pants where they went tight over his

right knee. Before I had been in the room ten seconds he had

adjusted his position three times. Maybe he had haemorrhoids.

Maybe he was nervous. He had soft hands. Ragged nails. No

wedding band. Divorced, for sure. He looked the type. No wife

would let him walk about with hair like that. And no wife could

have stood all that rocking and twitching. Not for very long.

I should have come smartly to attention and saluted and

announced: Sir, Major Reacher reports. That would have been

the standard army etiquette. But I was damned if I was going to


do that. I just took a long lazy look around and came to rest

standing easy in front of the desk.

‘I need explanations,’ the guy called Willard said.

He moved in his chair again.

‘Who are you?’ I said.

‘You can see who I am.’

‘I can see you’re a colonel in the U.S. Army named Willard.

But I can’t explain anything to you before I know whether or

not you’re in my chain of command.’

‘I am your chain of command, son. What does it say on my


‘Commanding officer,’ I said.

‘And where are we?’

‘Rock Creek, Virginia,’ I said.

‘OK, asked and answered,’ he said.

‘You’re new,’ I said. ‘We haven’t met.’

‘I assumed this command forty-eight hours ago. And now

we’ve met. And now I need explanations.’

‘Of what?’

‘You were UA, for a start,’ he said.

‘Unauthorized absence?’ I said. ‘When?’

‘The last seventy-two hours.’

‘Incorrect,’ I said.

‘How so?’

‘My absence was authorized by Colonel Garber.’

‘It was not.’

‘I called this office,’ I said.


‘Before I left.’

‘Did you receive his authorization?’

I paused. ‘I left a message. Are you saying he denied authorization?’

‘He wasn’t here. He got orders for Korea some hours earlier.’


‘He got the MP command there.’

‘That’s a brigadier general’s job.’

‘He’s acting. The promotion will no doubt be confirmed in the


I said nothing.


‘Garber’s gone,’ Willard said. ‘I’m here. The military merry

go-round continues. Get used to it.’

The room went quiet. Willard smiled at me. Not a pleasant

smile. It was close to a sneer. The rug was out from under my

feet, and he was watching me hit the ground.

‘It was good of you to leave your travel plans,’ he said. ‘It

made today easier.’

‘You think the arrest was appropriate for UA?’ I said.

‘You don’t?’

‘It was a simple miscommunication.’

‘You left your assigned post without authorization, major.

Those are the facts. Just because you had a vague expectation

that authorization might be granted doesn’t alter them. This is

the army. We don’t act in advance of orders or permissions.

We wait until they are properly received and confirmed. The

alternative would be anarchy and chaos.’

I said nothing.

‘Where did you go?’

I pictured my mother, leaning on her aluminum walker. I

pictured my brother’s face, as he watched me pack.

‘I took a short vacation,’ I said. ‘I went to the beach.’

‘The arrest wasn’t for the UA,’ Willard said. ‘It was because

you wore Class As on the evening of New Year’s Day.’

‘That’s an offence now?’

‘You wore your nameplate.’

I said nothing.

‘You put two civilians in the hospital. While wearing your


I stared at him. Thought hard. I didn’t believe the fat guy and

the farmer had dropped a dime on me. Not possible. They were

stupid, but they weren’t that stupid. They knew I knew where I

could find them.

‘Who says so?’ I asked.

‘You had a big audience in that parking lot.’

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Categories: Child, Lee