Childhoods End by Arthur C. Clarke

The universe was vast, but that fact terrified him less than its


mystery. George was not a person who thought deeply on such matters, yet sometimes it seemed to him that men were like children amusing themselves in some secluded playground, protected from the fierce realities of the outer world. Jan

Rodricks had resented that protection and had escaped from it

-into no-one knew what. But in this matter George found himself on the side of the Overlords. He bad no wish to face whatever ~1urked in the unknown darkness, just beyond the little circle of light cast by the lamp of Science.

“How is it?” said George plaintively, “that Jeff’s always off

somewhere when I happen to be home? Where’s he gone


Jean looked up from her knitting-an archaic occupation which had recently been revived with much success. Such fashions came and went on the island with some rapidity. The main result of this particular craze was that the men had now all been presented with multicoloured sweaters, far too hot to wear in the daytime but quite useful after sundown.

“He’s gone off to Sparta with some friends,” Jean replied. “He promised to be back for dinner.”

“I really came home to do some work,” said George thoughtfully. “But it’s a nice day, and I think I’ll go out there and have a swim myself. What kind of fish would you like me to bring back?”

George had never caught anything, and the fish in the lagoon were much too wily to be trapped. Jean was just going to point this out when the stillness of the afternoon was shattered by a sound that still had power, even in this peaceful age, to chill the blood and set the scalp crawling with apprehension.

It was the wail of a siren, rising and filling, spreading its message of danger in concentric circles out to sea.

For almost a hundred years the stresses had been slowly increasing, here in the burning darkness deep beneath the ocean’s floor. Though the submarine canyon had been formed geological ages ago, the tortured rocks had never reconciled themselves to their new positions. Countless times the strata bad creaked and shifted, as the unimaginable weight of water disturbed their precarious equilibrium. They were ready to move again.


Jeff was exploring the rock pools along the narrow Spartan beach-an occupation he found endlessly absorbing. One never knew what exotic creatures one might find, sheltered here from the waves that marched forever across the Pacific to spend themselves against the reef. It was a fairyland for any child, and at the moment he possessed it all himself, for his friends had gone up into the hills.

The day was quiet and peaceful. There was not a breath of wind, and even the perpetual muttering beyond the reef had sunk to a sullen undertone. A blazing sun hung half-way down the sky, but Jeff’s mahogany-brown body was now quite immune to its onslaughts.

The beach here was a narrow belt of sand, sloping steeply towards the lagoon. Looking down into the glass-clear water, Jeff could see the submerged rocks which were as familiar to him as any formations on. the land. About ten metres down, the weed-covered ribs of an ancient schooner curved up towards the world it had left almost two centuries ago. Jeff and his friends had often explored the wreck, but their hopes of hidden treasure had been disappointed. All that they had ever retrieved was a barnacle-encrusted compass.

Very firmly, something took hold of the beach and gave it a single, sudden jerk. The tremor passed so swiftly that Jeff wondered if he had imagined it. Perhaps it was a momentary giddiness, for all around him remained utterly unchanged. The waters of the lagoon were unruffled, the sky empty of cloud or menace. And then a very strange thing began to happen.

Swifter than any tide could ebb, the water was receding from the shore. Jeff watched, deeply puzzled and not in the least afraid, as the wet sands were uncovered and lay sparkling in the sun. He followed the retreating ocean, determined to make the most of whatever miracle had opened up the underwater world for his inspection. Now the level had sunk so far that the broken mast of the old wreck was climbing into the air, its weeds hanging limply from it as they lost their liquid support. Jeff hastened forward, eager to see what wonders would be uncovered next.

It was then that he noticed the sound from the reef. He had never heard anything like it before, anLi he stopped to think the matter over, his bare feet slowly sinking into the moist sand. A great fish was thrashing in its death agonies a few


metres away, but Jeff scarcely noticed it. He stood, alert and listening, while the noise from the reef grew steadily around him.

It was a sucking, gurgling sound, as of a river racing through a narrow channel. It was the voice of the reluctantly retreating sea, angry at losing, even for a moment, the lands it rightfully possessed. Through the graceful branches of the coral, through the hidden submarine caves, millions of tons of water were draining out of the lagoon into the vastness of the Pacific.

Very soon, and very swiftly, they would return.

One of the salvage parties, hours later, found Jeff on a great block of coral that had been hurled twenty metres above the normal water level. He did not seem particularly frightened, though he was upset over the loss of his bicycle. He was also very hungry, as the partial destruction of the causeway had cut him off from home. When rescued he was contemplating swimming back to Athens, and, unless the currents had changed drastically, would doubtless have managed the cross-big without much trouble.

Jean and George had witnessed the whole sequence of events when the tsunami hit the island. Though the damage to the lowlying areas of Athens had been severe, there had been no loss of life. The seismographs had been able to give only fifteen minutes’ warning, but that had been long enough to get everyone above the danger line. Now the Colony was licking its wounds and collecting together a mass of legends that would grow steadily more hair-raising through the years to come.

Jean burst into tears when her son was restored to her, for she had quite convinced herself that he had been swept out to sea. She had watched with horrified eyes as the black and foam-capped wall of water had moved roaring in from the horizon to smother the base of Sparta in spume and spray. It seemed incredible that Jeff could have reached safety in time.

It was scarcely surprising that he could not give a very rational account of what had happened. When he had eaten and was safely in bed, Jean and George gathered by his side.

“Go to sleep, darling, and forget all about it,” said Jean.

“You’re all right now.”


“But it was fun, Mummy,” protested Jeff. “I wasn’t rea1~y frightened.”

“That’s fine,” said George. “You’re a brave lad, and it’s a good thing you were sensible and ran in time. I’ve heard about

these tidal waves before. A lot of people get drowned because

they go out on the uncovered beach to see what’s happened.”

“That’s what I did,” confessed Jeff. “I wonder who it was

helped me?”

“What do you mean? There wasn’t anyone with you. The other boys were up the bill.”

Jeff looked puzzled.

“But someone told me to run.”

Jean and George glanced at each other in mild alarm.

“You mean-you imagined you heard something?”

“Oh, don’t bother him now,” said Jean anxiously, and with a little too much haste. But George was stubborn.

“I want to get to the bottom of this. Tell me just ~~vhat happened, Jeff.”

“Well, I was right down the beach, by that old wreck, when the voice spoke.”

“What did it say?”

“I can’t quite remember, but it was something like ‘Jeffrey, get up the hill as quickly as you can. You’ll be drowned if you stay here.’ I’m sure it called me Jeffrey, not Jeff. So it couldn’t have been anyone I knew.”

“Was it a man’s voice? And where did it come from?”

“It was ever so close beside me. And it sounded like a man… .” Jeff hesitated for a moment, and George prompted him.

“Go on-just imagine that you’re back on the beach, and tell us exactly what happened.”

“Well, it wasn’t quite like anyone I’ve ever heard talking before. I think he was a very big man.”

“Is that all the voice said?”

“Yes-until I started to climb the hill. Then another funny thing happened. You know the path up the cliff?”


“I was running up that, because it was the quickest way. I knew what was happening now, for I’d seen the big wave coming in. It was making an awful noise, too. And then I found there was a great big rock m the way. It wasn’t there before, and I couldn’t get past it.”

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Categories: Clarke, Arthur C.