Chromosome 6 by Robin Cook. Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4

not going to work at this hour? I mean, you’re not even on call.’

‘I just want to question the night mortuary tech and security,’ Laurie

said, as she went to the hall closet for their coats.

‘What on earth for?’ Jack asked.

‘I want to figure out how Franconi’s body disappeared,’ Laurie said. She

handed Jack his bomber jacket. ‘I talked to the evening crew when they

came on this afternoon.’

‘And what did they tell you?’

‘Not a whole bunch,’ Laurie said. ‘The body came in around eight

forty-five with an entourage of police and media. Apparently it was a

circus. I guess that’s why the X ray was overlooked. Identification was

made by the mother–a very emotional scene by all reports. By ten

forty-five the body was placed in the fridge in compartment one eleven.

So I think it’s pretty clear the abduction occurred during the night

shift from eleven to seven.’

‘Why are you worrying yourself about this?’ Jack said. ‘This is the

front office’s problem.’

Laurie pulled on her coat and got her keys. ‘Let’s just say that I’ve

taken a personal interest in the case.’

Jack rolled his eyes as they exited into the hall. ‘Laurie!’ he intoned.

‘You’re going to get yourself in trouble over this. Mark my word.’

Laurie pushed the elevator button then glared at Mrs. Engler, who’d

cracked her door as usual.

‘That woman drives me crazy,’ Laurie said as they boarded the elevator.

‘You’re not listening to me,’ Jack said.

‘I’m listening,’ Laurie said. ‘But I’m still going to look into this.

Between this stunt and my run-in with Franconi’s predecessor, it irks me

that these two-bit mobsters think they can do whatever they please. They

think laws are for other people. Pauli Cerino, the man Lou mentioned

this morning, had people killed so that he didn’t have to wait too long

to have corneal transplants. That gives you an idea of their ethics. I

don’t like the idea that they think they can just come into our morgue

and walk off with the body of a man they just killed.’

They emerged onto Nineteenth Street and walked toward First Avenue.

Laurie put up her collar. There was a breeze off the East River, and it

was only in the twenties.

‘What makes you think the mobsters are behind this?’ Jack asked.

‘You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to assume as much,’ Laurie

said. She put up her hand as a cab approached, but it zoomed past

without slowing. ‘Franconi was going to testify as part of a plea

bargain. The higher-ups of the Vaccarro organization got angry or scared

or both. It’s an old story.’

‘So they killed him,’ Jack said. ‘Why take the body?’

Laurie shrugged. ‘I’m not going to pretend I can put my mind into a

mobster’s,’ she said. ‘I don’t know why they wanted the body. Maybe to

deny him a proper burial. Maybe they’re afraid an autopsy would provide

a clue to the killer’s identity. Hell, I don’t know. But ultimately it

doesn’t matter why.’

‘I have a sense the `why’ might be important,’ Jack said. ‘I think by

getting involved you’ll be skating on thin ice.’

‘Maybe so,’ Laurie said. She shrugged again. ‘I get caught up in things

like this. I suppose part of the problem is that at the moment my main

focus in life is my job.’

‘Here comes a free cab,’ Jack said, deliberately avoiding having to

respond to Laurie’s last comment. He sensed the implications and was

reluctant to get drawn into a more personal discussion.

It was a short cab ride down to the corner of First Avenue and Thirtieth

Street. Laurie climbed out and was surprised when Jack did the same.

‘You don’t have to come,’ Laurie said.

‘I know,’ Jack said. ‘But I’m coming anyway. In case you haven’t

guessed, you have me concerned.’

Jack leaned back inside the cab and paid the driver.

Laurie was still insisting that Jack’s presence was not needed as they

walked between the Health and Hospital’s mortuary vans. They entered the

morgue through the Thirtieth Street entrance. ‘I thought you told me

your bed was beckoning?’

‘It can wait,’ Jack said. ‘After Lou’s story about your getting carted

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Categories: Cook, Robin