Clifford D. Simak. All the traps of Earth

Back at the barracks and in his cubicle, he found a rag and cleaned up

the dirt that he had missed. And, he thought hard.

He’d seen the ship as a diagram and, not knowing what it meant, hadn’t

done a thing. Just now he’d seen the ancient robot as a diagram and had most

decisively and neatly used that diagram to save himself from murder – from

the murder that he was fully ready to commit.

But how had he done it? And the answer seemed to be that be really had

done nothing. He’d simply thought that one should detach a single wire, burn

out a single coil – he’d thought it and it was done.

Perhaps he’d seen no diagram at all. Perhaps the diagram was no more

than some sort of psychic rationalization to mask whatever he had seen or

sensed. Seeing the ship and robot with the surfaces stripped away from them

and their purpose and their function revealed fully to his view, he had

sought some explanation of his strange ability, and his subconscious mind

had devised an explanation, an analogy that, for the moment, had served to

satisfy him.

Like when he’d been in hyperspace, he thought. He’d seen a lot of

things out there he had not understood. And that was it, of course, he

thought excitedly. Something had happened to him out in hyperspace. Perhaps

there’d been something that had stretched his mind. Perhaps he’d picked up

some sort of new dimension-seeing, some new twist to his mind.

He remembered how, back on the ship again, with his mind wiped clean of

all the glory and the knowledge, he had felt like weeping. But now he knew

that it had been much too soon for weeping. For although the glory and the

knowledge (if there’d been a knowledge) had been lost to him, be had not

lost everything. He’d gained a new perceptive device and the ability to use

it somewhat fumblingly – and it didn’t really matter that he still was at a

loss as to what he did to use it. The basic fact that he possessed it and

could use it was enough to start with.

Somewhere out in front there was someone calling – someone, he now

realized, who had been calling for some little time….

“Hubert, where are you? Hubert, are you around? Hubert…”


Could Hubert be the ancient robot? Could they have missed him already?

Richard Daniel jumped to his feet for an undecided moment, listening to

the calling voice. And then sat down again. Let them call, he told himself.

Let them go out and hunt.

He was safe in this cubicle. He had rented it and for the moment it was

home and there was no one who would dare break in upon him.

But it wasn’t home. No matter how hard he tried to tell himself it was,

it wasn’t. There wasn’t any home.

Earth was home, he thought. And not all of Earth, but just a certain

street and that one part of it was barred to him forever. It had been barred

to him by the dying of a sweet old lady who had outlived her time; it had

been barred to him by his running from it.

He did not belong on this planet, he admitted to himself, nor on any

other planet. He belonged on Earth, with the Barringtons, and it was

impossible for him to be there.

Perhaps, he thought, he should have stayed and let them reorient him.

He remembered what the lawyer had said about memories that could become a

burden and a torment. After all, it might have been wiser to have started

over once again.

For what kind of future did he have, with his old outdated body, his

old outdated brain? The kind of body that they put a robot into on this

planet by way of punishment. And the kind of brain – but the brain was

different, for he had something now that made up for any lack of more modern

mental tools.

He sat and listened, and he heard the house – calling all across the

light years of space for him to come back to it again. And he saw the faded

living room with all its vanished glory that made a record of the years. He

remembered, with a twinge of hurt, the little room back of the kitchen that

had been his very own.

He arose and paced up and down the cubicle – three steps and turn, and

then three more steps and turn for another three.

The sights and sounds and smells of home grew close and wrapped

themselves about him and he wondered wildly if he might not have the power,

a power accorded him by the universe of hyperspace, to will himself to that

familiar street again.

He shuddered at the thought of it, afraid of another power, afraid that

it might happen. Afraid of himself, perhaps, of the snarled and tangled

being he was – no longer the faithful, shining servant, but a sort of mad

thing that rode outside a spaceship, that was ready to kill another being,

that could face up to the appalling sweep of hyperspace, yet cowered before

the impact of a memory.

What he needed was a walk, he thought. Look over the town and maybe go

out into the country. Besides, he remembered, trying to become practical,

he’d need to get that plastication job he had been warned to get.

He went out into the corridor and strode briskly down it and was

crossing the lobby when someone spoke to him.

“Hubert,” said the voice, “just where have you been? I’ve been waiting

hours for you.”

Richard Daniel spun around and a robot sat behind the desk. There was

another robot leaning in a corner and there was a naked robot brain lying on

the desk.

“You are Hubert, aren’t you”, asked the one behind the desk.

Richard Daniel opened up his mouth to speak, but the words refused to


“I thought so,” said the robot. “You may not recognize me, but my name

is Andy. The regular man was busy, so the judge sent me. He thought it was

only fair we make the switch as quickly as possible. He said you’d served a

longer term than you really should. Figures you’d be glad to know they’d

convicted someone else.”

Richard Daniel stared in horror at the naked brain lying on the desk.

The robot gestured at the metal body propped into the corner.

“Better than when we took you out of it,” he said with a throaty

chuckle. “Fixed it up and polished it and got out all the dents. Even

modernized it some. Brought it strictly up to date. You’ll have a better

body than you had when they stuck you into that monstrosity.”

“I don’t know what to say,” said Richard Daniel, stammering. “You see,

I’m not…”

“Oh, that’s all right,” said the other happily. “No need for gratitude.

Your sentence worked out longer than the judge expected. This just makes up

for it.”

“I thank you, then,” said Richard Daniel. “I thank you very much.”

And was astounded at himself, astonished at the ease with which he said

it, confounded at his sly duplicity.

But if they forced it on him, why should he refuse? There was nothing

that he needed more than a modern body!

It was still working out, he told himself. He was still riding luck.

For this was the last thing that he needed to cover up his tracks.

“All newly plasticated and everything,” said Andy. “Hans did an extra

special job.”

‘Well, then,” said Richard Daniel, “let’s get on with it.”

The other robot grinned. “I don’t blame you for being anxious to get

out of there. It must be pretty terrible to live in a pile of junk like


He came around from behind the desk and advanced on Richard Danie1.

“Over in the corner,” he said, “and kind of prop yourself. I don’t want

you tipping over when I disconnect you. One good fall and that body’d come


“All right,” said Richard Daniel. He went into the corner and leaned

back against it and planted his feet solid so that he was propped.

He had a rather awful moment when Andy disconnected the optic nerve and

he lost his eyes and there was considerable queasiness in having his skull

lifted off his shoulders and he was in sheer funk as the final

disconnections were being swiftly made.

Then he was a blob of greyness without a body or a head or eyes or

anything at all. He was no more than a bundle of thoughts all wrapped around

themselves like a pail of worms and this pail of worms was suspended in pure


Fear came to him, a taunting, terrible fear. What if this were just a

sort of ghastly gag? What if they’d found out who he really was and what

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Categories: Simak, Clifford