Clifford D. Simak. Way Station

was upon the alien and even as he closed with it, his nostrils were assailed

by its body stench-a sickening wave of nastiness.

He wrapped his arms about it and heaved, and it was not as heavy as he

had thought it might be. His powerful wrench jerked it from the corner and

swung it around and sent it skiping out across the floor.

It crashed against a chair and came to a stop and then like a steel

coil it rose off the floor and pounced for the gun.

Enoch took two great strides and had it by the neck, lifting it and

shaking it so savagely that the recovered gun flew from its hand again and

the bag it carried on a thong across its shoulder pounded like a vibrating

trip hammer against its hairy ribs.

The stench was thick, so thick that one could almost see it, and Enoch

gagged on it as he shook the creature. And supenly it was worse, much worse,

like a fire raging in one’s throat and a hammer in one’s head. It was like a

physical blow that hit one in the belly and shoved against the chest. Enoch

let go his hold upon the creature and staggered back, doubled up and

retching. He lifted his hands to his face and tried to push the stench away,

to clear his nostrils and his mouth, to rub it from his eyes.

Through a haze he saw the creature rise and, snatching up the gun, rush

toward the door. He did not hear the phrase that the creature spoke, but the

door came open and the creature spurted forward and was gone. And the door

slammed shut again.


Enoch wobbled across the room to the desk and caught at it for support.

The stench was diminishing and his head was clearing and he scarcely could

believe that it all had happened. For it was incredible that a thing like

this should happen. The creature had traveled on the official materializer,

and no one but a member of Galactic Central could travel by that route. And

no member of Galactic Central, he was convinced, would have acted as the

ratlike creature had. Likewise, the creature had known the phrase that would

operate the door. No, one but himself and Galactic Central would have known

that phrase.

He reached out and picked up his rifle and hefted it in his fist.

It was all right, he thought. There was nothing harmed. Except that

there was an alien loose upon the Earth and that was something that could

not be allowed. The Earth was barred to aliens. As a planet which had not

been recognized by the galactic cofraternity, it was off-limit territory.

He stood with the rifle in his hand and knew what he must do-he must

get that alien back, he must get it off the Earth.

He spoke the phrase aloud and strode toward the door and out and around

the corner of the house

The alien was running across the field and had almost reached the line

of woods.

Enoch ran desperately, but before he was halfway down the field, the

ratlike quarry had plunged into the woods and disappeared.

The woods was beginning to darken .The slanting rays of light from the

setting sun still lighted the upper canopy of the foliage, but on the forest

floor the shadows had begun to gather.

As he ran into the fringe of the woods, Enoch caught a glimpse of the

creature angling down a small ravine and plunging up the other slope, racing

through a heavy cover of ferns that reached almost to its miple.

If it kept on in that direction, Enoch told himself, it might work out

all right, for the slope beyond the ravine ended in a clump of rocks that

lay above an outthrust point that ended in a cliff, with each side curving

in, so that the point and its mass of boulders lay isolated, a place hung

out in space. It might be a little rough to dig the alien from the rocks if

it took refuge there, but at least it would be trapped and could not get

away. Although, Enoch reminded himself, he could waste no time, for the sun

was setting and it would soon be dark.

Enoch angled slightly westward to go around the head of the small

ravine, keeping an eye on the fleeing alien. The creature kept on up the

slope and Enoch, observing this, put on an extra burst of speed. For now he

had the alien trapped. In its fleeing, it had gone past the point of no

return. It could no longer turn around and retreat back from the point. Soon

it would reach the cliff edge and then there’d be nothing it could do but

hole up in the patch of boulders.

Running hard, Enoch crossed the area covered by the ferns and came out

on the sharper slope some hundred yards or so below the boulder clump. Here

the cover was not so dense. There was a scant covering of spotty underbrush

and a scattering of trees. The soft loam of the forest floor gave way to a

footing of shattered rock which through the years had been chipped off the

boulders by the winters’ frost, rolling down the slope. They lay there now,

covered with thick moss, a treacherous place to walk.

As he ran, Enoch swept the boulders with a glance, but there was no

sign of the alien. Then, out of the corner of his vision, he saw the motion,

and threw himself forward to the ground behind a patch of hazel brush, and

through the network of the bushes he saw the alien outlined against the sky,

its head pivoting back and forth to sweep the slope below, the weapon half

lifted and set for instant use.

Enoch lay frozen, with his outstretched hand gripping the rifle. There

was a slash of pain across one set of knuckles and he knew that he had

skinned them on the rock as he had dived for cover.

The alien dropped from sight behind the boulders and Enoch slowly

pulled the rifle back to where he would be able to handle it should a shot

present itself.

Although, he wondered, would he dare to fire? Would he dare to kill an


The alien could have killed him back there at the station, when he had

been knocked silly by the dreadful stench. But it had not killed him; it had

fled instead. Was it, he wondered, that the creature had been so badly

frightened that all that it could think of had been to get away? Or had it,

perhaps, been as reluctant to kill a station keeper as he himself was to

kill an alien?

He searched the rocks above him and there was no motion and not a thing

to see. He must move up that slope, and quickly, he told himself, for time

would work against him and to the advantage of the alien. Darkness could not

be more than thirty minutes off and before dark had fallen this issue must

be settled. If the alien got away, there’d be little chance to find it.

And why, asked a second self, standing to one side, should you worry

about alien complications? For are you yourself not prepared to inform the

Earth that there are alien peoples in the galaxy and to hand to Earth,

unauthorized, as much of that alien lore and learning as may be within your

power? Why should you have stopped this alien from the wrecking of the

station, insuring its isolation for many years-for if that had been done,

then you’d have been free to do as you might wish with all that is within

the station? It would have worked to your advantage to have allowed events

to run their course.

But I couldn’t, Enoch cried inside himself. Don’t you see I couldn’t?

Don’t you understand?

A rustle in the bushes to his left brought him around with the rifle up

and ready.

And there was Lucy Fisher, not more than twenty feet away.

“Get out of here!” he shouted, forgetting that she could not hear him.

But she did not seem to notice. She motioned to the left and made a

sweeping motion with her hand and pointed toward the boulders.

Go away, he said underneath his breath. Go away from here.

And made rejection motions to indicate that she should go back, that

this was no place for her.

She shook her head and sprang away, in a running crouch, moving further

to the left and up the slope.

Enoch scrambled to his feet, lunging after her, and as he did the air

behind him made a frying sound and there was the sharp bite of ozone in the


He hit the ground, instinctively, and farther down the slope he saw a

square yard of ground that boiled and steamed, with the ground cover swept

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