Clive Barker – Books Of Blood Vol 3

Clive Barker – Books Of Blood Vol 3

Clive Barker – Books Of Blood Vol 3

Barberio felt fine, despite the bullet. Sure, there was a catch in his chest if he breathed too hard, and the wound in his thigh wasn’t too pretty to look at, but he’d been holed before and come up smiling. At least he was free: that was the main thing. Nobody, he swore, nobody would ever lock him up again, he’d kill himself rather than be taken back into custody. If he was unlucky and they cornered him, he’d stick the gun in his mouth and blow off the top of his head. No way would they drag him back to that cell alive.

Life was too long if you were locked away and counting it in seconds. It had only taken him a couple of months to learn that lesson. Life was long, and repetitive and debilitating, and if you weren’t careful you were soon thinking it would be better to die than go on existing in the shit-hole they’d put you in. Better to string yourself up by your belt in the middle of the night rather than face the tedium of another twenty-four hours, all eighty-six thousand four hundred seconds of it.

So he went for broke.

First he bought a gun on the prison black market. It cost him everything he had and a handful of lOUs he’d have to make good on the outside if he wanted to stay alive. Then he made the most obvious move in the book: he climbed the wall. And whatever god looked after the liquor-store muggers of this world was looking after him that night, because hot damn if he didn’t scoot right over that wall and away without so much as a dog sniffing at his heels.

And the cops? Why they screwed it up every which way from Sunday, looking for him where he’d never gone, pulling in his brother and his sister-in-law on suspicion of harbouring him when they didn’t even know he’d escaped, putting out an All-Points Bulletin with a description of his pre-prison self, twenty pounds heavier than he was now. All this he’d heard from

Geraldine, a lady he’d courted in the good old days, who’d given him a dressing for his leg and the bottle of Southern Comfort that was now almost empty in his pocket. He’d taken the booze and sympathy and gone on his way, trusting to the legendary idiocy of the law and the god who’d got him so far already.

Sing-Sing he called this god. Pictured him as a fat guy with a grin that hooked from one ear to the other, a prime salami in one hand, and a cup of dark coffee in the other. In Barberio’s mind Sing-Sing smelt like a full belly at Mama’s house, back in the days when Mama was still well in the head, and he’d been her pride and joy.

Unfortunately Sing-Sing had been looking the other way when the one eagle eye cop in the whole city saw Barberio draining his snake in a back alley, and recognised him from that obsolete APB. Young cop, couldn’t have been more than twenty-five, out to be a hero. He was too dumb to learn the lesson of Barberio’s warning shot. Instead of taking cover, and letting Barberio make a break, he’d forced the issue by coming straight down the alley at him.

Barberio had no choice. He fired.

The cop fired back. Sing-Sing must have stepped in there somewhere, spoiling the cop’s aim no that the bullet that should have found Barberio’s heart hit his leg, and guiding the returning shot straight into the cop’s nose. Eagle-eye went down as if he’d just remembered an appointment with the ground, and Barberio was away, cursing, bleeding and scared. He’d never shot a man before, and he’d started with a cop. Quite an introduction to the craft.

Sing-Sing was still with him though. The bullet in his leg ached, but Geraldine’s ministrations had stopped the blood, the liquor had done wonders for the pain, and here he was half a day later, tired but alive, having hopped half-way across a city so thick with vengeful cops it was like a psycho’s parade at the Policemen’s Ball. Now all he asked of his protector was a place to rest up awhile. Not for long, just enough time to catch his breath and plan his future movements. An hour or two of shut-eye wouldn’t go miss either.

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Categories: Clive Barker