Coldfire by Dean R. Koontz

its answers and had tried, instead, to present her with responses to all

her written questions at once, before she was able to read them aloud.

She’d never had a chance to ask it all of the questions on her list, and

now she wondered what might be on that answer-tablet.

She eased off her bedding as quietly as possible, rose, and walked

carefully across the room. She tested the floorboards as she went to

make sure they weren’t going to squeak when she put her full weight on


As she stooped to pick up the tablet, she heard a sound that froze her.

Like a heartbeat with an extra thump in it.

She looked around at the walls, up at the dome. The light from the

highburning lantern and the windows was sufficient to be certain that

the limestone was only limestone, the wood only wood.

Lub-dub-DUB, lub-dub-DUB. . .

It was faint, as if someone was tapping the rhythm out on a drum far

away, outside the mill, somewhere up in the dry brown hills.

But she knew what it was. No drum. It was the tripartite beat that

always preceded the materialization of The Enemy. Just as the bells

had, until its final visit, preceded the arrival of The Friend.

As she listened, it faded away.

She strained to hear it.


Relieved but still trembling, she picked up the tablet. The pages were

rumpled, and they made some noise falling into place.

Jim’s steady breathing continued to echo softly around the room, with no

change of rhythm or pitch.

Holly read the answers on the first page, then the second. She saw that

they were the same responses The Friend had vocalized-although without

the spur-of the-moment questions that she had not written down on the

question-tablet. She skimmed down the third and fourth pages, on which

it had listed the people Jim had saved-Carmen Diaz, Amanda Cutter,

Steven Aimes, Laura Lenaskian-explaining what great things each of them

was destined to achieve.

Lub-dub-DUB, lub-dub-DUB, lub-dub-DUB. . .

She snapped her head up.

The sound was still distant, no louder than before.

Jim groaned in his sleep.

Holly took a step away from the window, intending to wake him, but the

dreaded sound faded away again. Evidently The Enemy was in the

neighborhood, but it had not found a doorway in Jim’s dream. He had to

get his sleep, he couldn’t function without it. She decided to let him


Easing back to the window again, Holly held the answer-tablet up to the

light. She turned to the fifth page-and felt the flesh on the nape of

her neck go as cold and nubbly as frozen turkey skin.

Peeling the pages back with great delicacy, so as not to rustle them

more than absolutely necessary, she checked the sixth page, the seventh,

the eighth. They were all the same. Messages were printed on them in

the wavery hand that The Friend had used when pulling its little

words-risingas-if-through-water trick. But they were not answers to her


They were two alternating statements, unpunctuated, each repeated three



Staring at those obsessively repeated statements, she knew that “he”

could be no one but Jim. She focused only on the five hateful words,

trying to understand.

And suddenly she thought that she did. The Friend was warning her that

in its madness it would act against her, perhaps because it hated her

for bringing Jim to the mill, for making him seek answers, and for being

a distraction from his mission. If The Friend, which was the sane half

of the alien consciousness, could reach into Jim’s mind and compel him

to undertake life-saving missions, was it possible that The Enemy, the

dark half, could reach into his mind and compel him to kill?

Instead of the insane personality materializing in monstrous form as it

had done for an instant at the motel Friday night and as it attempted to

do in Jim’s bedroom yesterday, might it choose to use Jim against her,

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Categories: Koontz, Dean