Coldheart Canyon by Clive Barker. Part six. Chapter 1, 2, 3

“I’m in another world.”

“Good,” she said.

“And it’s real.”

“Again, good. And does it trouble you, to be in the middle of such a mystery?”

“No,” he said. “I don’t know why and I’m not sure I care.”

She put her arms around him, holding him tighter than she’d held until now, and looked deep into his eyes, looking deeper than she’d ever looked. “It doesn’t matter, my love. Whether it’s in my head, or your head, or the head of God — ”

” — or the Devil?”

” — or the Devil. It doesn’t matter. Not to us.” She spoke the last three words as a near whisper, close to his ear. He kissed her. He realized now how cannily she’d led him — teasing him with outlandish visions-ghosts and ungodly pleasures, slowly deconstructing his beliefs about what was real and what was not. All in preparation for this wonder of wonders.

“Nothing matters to us, huh?” he said between kisses.

“We’re above it all,” she said. As she spoke she put her hand down between his legs. He was like a rock.

“You want to make love to me?”

“Of course I do.”

“You want to go back up to bed?”

“No. I want to do it right here.” He pointed to the hard ground at their feet.

Again, she laughed. This new-found fire in him seemed to entertain her. She lifted up her dress, so that he could have sight of her. She was naked.

“Lie down,” he told her.

She did so without a second instruction, lifting and parting her legs as she lay at his feet, so that he should have full disclosure of her. She ran her hand over herself. Into the groove, and out again, wet, to touch her anus. He could hear the rhythm of the hunters’ horses in the ground underfoot. Duke Goga and his party were getting closer. Todd glanced up towards the trees. He could no longer see the men: the forest had become too deep. But they were nearby.

No matter. He could watch the hunters another day. Right now he had sport of his own. He unbuttoned his pants and let his dick spring out. Katya sat up instantly and took it in her hand, rubbing it. “So big.”

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. He liked the fact that she said it, and there was an appetite for it in her eyes, the likes of which he’d never seen on a woman’s face before. She started to pull on his cock, not to pleasure him, simply to bring him down to her; into her.

He went down on his knees between her legs. Such was the lightness of her dress that it could be lifted up almost to her neck, to expose her belly and breasts. He put his face down against her flat stomach, licking her navel then going up to her breasts. It had always been a fantasy of his to wash a woman with his tongue, every inch of her, from the corners of her eyes, to the cleft of her buttocks, simply to be her servant, bathing her with his tongue. This was the woman he would realize that fantasy with, he knew. This was the woman he would realize every fantasy with, and hers was the body with which he could play freely, doing anything his heart desired; anything.

That was the only word of this sexual delirium that escaped him: ” … anything.”

But she seemed to know what it meant because she raised his face from her breasts, and smiled at him. “Yes, I know,” she said. “Anything you want. And for me — ”

“Anything you want.”


She took hold of the collar of his shirt, and drew his face closer to hers. They kissed, while she moved beneath him, seeming not to care about the hard dirt against her naked buttocks, her naked back. He had his hands either side of her, to support himself. But that was all he needed to do. She was perfectly capable of doing the rest. She lifted her hips a little and caught the head of his cock between her labia, then, sighing, she delivered herself up and upon it in one sweet motion.

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Categories: Clive Barker