Coldheart Canyon by Clive Barker. Epilogue. Chapter 1, 2, 3

Maxine gave him a fierce look. And beneath her makeup, Tammy thought, she was blushing.

“You said you had pictures to show us?” Maxine said.

“I did? Oh yes, I did.”

“Pictures of what?” Tammy said, her mind only a quarter committed to the subject at hand, distracted as she was by the exchange that had just taken place between Maxine and Jerry. She knew exactly what Jerry was implying, and although she couldn’t remember thinking that she and Maxine had been nesting just like a couple of lesbians, she could see that his innuendo was not without plausibility, from the outside, at least.

And besides, men were pigs; or at least most of the men it had been her misfortune to become attracted to.

Jerry had brought out his pictures now, and passed them over to Maxine, who started to look through them.

“Oh my Lord … ” she said softly. Maxine handed the photographs over to Tammy one by one, as she’d looked at them.

“They were just taken by my old camera, so they’re not very good. But I stayed all day, to watch the whole thing from beginning to end.”

The thing Jerry had watched, and had photographed (rather better than his disclaimer suggested) was the Los Angeles Public Works’ demolition of Katya Lupi’s dream palace.

“I didn’t even know they were going to knock it down,” Maxine said.

“Well apparently there was a fierce lobby from your gang, Tammy — ”

“My gang?”

“The Appreciation Society.”


” — to keep the place as some kind of Todd Pickett shrine. You didn’t hear about that?” Tammy shook her head. “My, my, you two have had your heads in the sand. Well, there was a petition, saying that the house should be left standing, but the authorities said no, it had to come down. Apparently, it was structurally unsafe. All the foundations had gone. Of course we know why but nobody else can figure it out. Anyway, they sent in the bulldozers. It was all over in six hours. The demolition part at least. Then it took another five or six hours to put the rubble in trucks and drive it away.”

“Did anybody come to watch?” Tammy asked.

“Quite a few, coming and going. But not a crowd. Never more than twenty at any one time. And we were kept a long way back from the demolition which is why the pictures are so poor.”

The women had been through all the pictures now. Tammy handed them back to Jerry, who said: “So that’s another piece of Hollywood history that’s bitten the dust. It makes me sick. This is all we’ve got faintly resembling a past in this city of ours, and we just take a hammer and knock it all down. How sensible is that?”

“Personally, I’m glad it’s gone,” Tammy piped up. Another wave of weakness had come over her as she looked at the pictures, and now she felt almost ready to pass out.

“You don’t look too good,” Maxine said.

“I don’t feel too good. Would either of you mind if I went to lie down?”

“Not at all,” Jerry said.

Tammy gave him a kiss and started towards her bedroom.

“Aren’t you going to tuck her in, Maxine?” Tammy heard Jerry say.

“As it happens: yes.” And so saying, she followed Tammy into the bedroom.

“You know, you mustn’t let anything Jerry says bother you,” Maxine said, once Tammy was lying down. She stroked the creases from the pillow beside Tammy’s head.

“I know.”

“He doesn’t mean any harm.”

“I know that too.” She looked at Maxine, seeking out her grey eyes. “You know … just for the record … ”

“No, Tammy. We don’t have to have this conversation. You don’t have a lesbian bone in your body.”

“No, I don’t.”

“And if I do … well, I haven’t discovered it yet. But, as you raised the subject, I could quite happily take care of you for as long as you’d like. I like your company.”

“And I like yours.”

“Good. So let’s have the world believe whatever it wants to believe.”

“Fine by me.”

Tammy made a weak little smile, mirrored on Maxine’s face.

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Categories: Clive Barker