Coldheart Canyon by Clive Barker. Part eleven. Chapter 9, 10, 11

“So why the hell are you fighting it? It doesn’t want to hurt you.”

“I’ll tell you why I’m fighting. Because it’s a one-way street, Tammy. I go with the light, there’s no way back.”

“And is being here so wonderful?”

“Now don’t — ”

“I mean it.”

“Don’t argue with me,” he said. “I’ve thought about this a lot. Believe me. It’s all I’ve thought about.”

“So what do you want to do?”

“I want you to stay right here with me until the damn thing goes away. It won’t try any tricks if you’re here.”

“You mean giving you the memories?”

“It’s got others. Once it appeared on the lawn looking like Patricia, my mother. I knew it wasn’t really her, but it’s crafty that way. You know, she was telling me to come with her, and for just a few seconds — ”

“It had you fooled?”

“Yeah. Not for long, but … yeah.”

At this juncture there was a rapping sound on the door. Todd jumped. “It’s only Maxine,” Tammy said, getting up, and turning from Todd. He caught hold of the jeans she was carrying, not because he wanted to wear them but to stop her escaping him.

“Don’t answer it,” he said. “Please stay here with me. I’m begging you, stay: please.”

She held her breath for a moment, listening for the presence on the roof. It was no longer audible. Had the creature-whatever it was-simply departed, or was it still squatting up there, biding its time? Or-a third possibility, just as plausible as the other two-was she falling for some fictional fear that Todd, in his confused, post-mortem state, had simply created out of thin air? Was she just hearing birds on the roof, skittering around, and letting his imagination work her up into a frenzy about it? “Put your jeans on,” she said to him, letting go of them. “Tammy. Listen to me — ”

“I am listening,” she said, crossing to the door of the bedroom. “Put your jeans on.”

She heard the rapping sound again. This time she thought perhaps she’d been wrong. It wasn’t Maxine at all. It was somebody outside the house beating on the front door.

She went to the bedroom door and cautiously opened it. She was in time to see Maxine retreating across the hallway from the front door.

“What is it?” she whispered. Maxine looked up at her; by the expression on her face something had unsettled her. “I heard this knocking. Went to the door. And, Tammy, there was a light out there, shining in through the cracks in the door.”

“So he’s not having delusions,” Tammy said.

She headed downstairs to comfort Maxine. As she did so she reported what she’d just heard Todd tell her. “Todd said there was something out there waiting for him. That’s his turn of phrase: waiting for him. Apparently it sits on the roof a lot.” She put her hand on Maxine’s trembling shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“I am now. It just freaked me out.”

“So you didn’t open the door?”

“Well you can’t open it, can you? It’s cracked. But it’s not much protection.”

“Stay here.”

So saying, Tammy crossed the hallway, gingerly slid through the broken door and stepped out onto the doorstep.

“Oh Jesus, be careful,” Maxine murmured.

“There’s nothing,” she said.

“Are you sure?”

Maxine stepped out through the cracked door and they stood together on the step.

The last light of the afternoon had by now died away; but the moon had risen and was shedding its brightness through the trees to the right of the front door.

“Well, at least it’s a beautiful evening,” Maxine remarked, staring up at the light coming between the branches.

Tammy’s thoughts were elsewhere. She stepped out of the house and onto the pathway. Then she turned around, running her gaze back and forth along the roof, looking for some sign, any sign whatsoever, of the creature that had made the noise up there. As far as she could see the roof was completely deserted.

“Nothing,” she said to herself.

She glanced back at Maxine, who was still staring up at the moon. She was alarmed to see that the sight of the moonlight seemed to have brought Maxine to tears.

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