Coldheart Canyon by Clive Barker. Part five. Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8

Always prone to sudden emotional swings, Valentino had promptly started to bawl like a baby, interspersing his sobs with demands that she please God have mercy on him.

“I’m dying!” he said, thumping his gut with his fist. “I feel it in here!”

She let him weep until the carpet was damp. Then she had had him removed from the house by two of her hired heavies, and tossed into the street.

It had seemed like typical Rudy melodrama at the time: I’m dying, I’m dying. But this time he’d known his own body better than she’d given him credit for. He was the first to pay the ultimate price for visiting the Devil’s Country. Three weeks after that tearful conversation he was dead.

The hoopla over Valentino’s sudden demise hid from view a series of smaller incidents that were nevertheless all part of the same escalating tragedy. A minor starlet called Miriam Acker died two days after Rudy, of what was reported to be pneumonia. She had been a visitor to the Canyon on several occasions, usually in the company of Ramon Navarro. Pola Negri — another visitor to the Canyon — fell gravely ill a week later, and for several days hovered on the brink of death. Her frailty was attributed to grief at the passing of Valentino, with whom she claimed to have had a passionate affair; but the truth was far less glamorous. She too had fallen under the spell of the Hunt; and now, though she denied it, was sickening.

In fact death took an uncommonly large number of Hollywood’s luminaries in the next few months. And for every one who died there were ten or twenty who got sick, and managed to recover, though none were ever possessed of their full strength, or flawless beauty, again. The ‘coincidence’ was not lost on either the fans or the journalists. “A harvest of death is sweeping Hollywood,” Film Photoplay morbidly announced, “as star after star follows the greatest star of all, Rudolph Valentino, to the grave.”

The idea that there was some kind of plague abroad caught the public’s imagination and was fed voraciously by those who’d predicted for reasons of their own that judgment would eventually fall on Tinseltown. Preachers who’d fulminated against the sinners of the New Sodom were now quick to point out the evidence in support of their grim sermons. And the public, who’d a decade before taken pleasure in crowning actors as the new Royalty of America were now just as entertained by the spectacle of their fall from grace. They were fakes and foreigners anyway, it was widely opined; no wonder they were falling like flies; they’d come here like plague-rats in the first place.

Hollywood was going to Hell in a hand-cart, and it didn’t matter how rich or beautiful you were, there was no escaping the cost of the high life.

Up in the Canyon, Katya dared believe she was safe: she’d added three German Shepherd dogs to the retinue guarding her; and she had men patrolling the ridges and the roads that led to the Canyon night and day. It was such a strange time. The whole community was unsettled. There was talk of lights being seen in the sky; especially in the vicinity of death-sites. A number of small cults came into being, all with their own theories of what was happening. The most extreme interpreted these lights as warnings from God: the end of the world was imminent, their leaders announced, and people should prepare themselves for the Apocalypse. Others interpreted the lights more benignly. They were messengers from God, this faction claimed; angels sent to guide the deceased out of the coil of mortal confusions into the next life. If this was the case then these heavenly presences were not happy that Hell now had a stronghold in the Canyon. Though the dead came there, the lights did not. Indeed on several occasions they were seen at the bottom of the hill, three or four of them gathered in a cloud of luminescence, plainly unwilling to venture into the Canyon.

For her part, Katya took such reports as evidence that her defenses were working. Nobody could get into her precious Canyon. Or such was her conviction.

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