Coldheart Canyon by Clive Barker. Part three. Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Burrows didn’t attempt any further self-justification, and Todd knew why. He could imagine Donnie’s expression in perfect detail: both brothers got colour in their faces when they were riled up; and a cold eye. Burrows duly retreated, which was the wisest thing he could have done.

“I want to get you out of here, Kiddo,” Donnie said as soon as they had gone. “I don’t trust these people as far as I could throw ’em. They’re full of shit.”

“I need to talk to Maxine before we do anything.”

“What the fuck for? I don’t trust her anymore than I trust these sons of bitches.”

There was a long silence. Todd knew what was coming next; so he just waited for it.

“Just so you know,” Donnie said, “You’ve done some damn-fool things in your life, but this whole deal is the stupidest idea I ever heard. Getting yourself a fuckin’ face-lift? What kinda thing is that? Christ. Does Momma know about this?”

“No. I put you down as next of kin. I thought you’d understand.”

“Well I can’t say I do. It’s a mess. It’s a goddam mess. And I’ve got to go back to Texas tomorrow.”

“Why so soon?”

“Because I’ve got a court appearance at eight o’clock on Thursday morning. Linda’s tryin’ to take away my weekends with Donnie Junior, and if I’m not in court her lawyer’s going to get the judge to rule against me. I’ve been up before him a couple of times, and he doesn’t like me. So, I’m going to have to love you and leave you, which I don’t much like doin’. I guess I could call Momma and — ”

“No! No, Donnie, please. I don’t want her here.” Todd reached out blind; caught hold of Donnie’s arm. “I’ll be okay. You don’t have to worry about me. I’ll be just fine.”

“All right. I hear you. I won’t call Momma. Besides, the worst’s over. I’m sure that’s right. But listen to me, you get yourself the hell out of here and go to a proper hospital.”

“I don’t want the press finding out about this. If Maxine thinks — ”

“Have you heard a fuckin’ word I said?” Donnie said, his voice getting louder. “I don’t trust that bitch. She’s out for herself. That’s all she cares about. Her piece of the action.”

“Don’t start shouting.”

“Well, what the fuck do you expect? I’ve been sitting here for seventy-two hours straight wondering how I was going to tell Mom that you died having plastic fucking surgery on your fucking face — ” He paused for a breath. “Christ, if Dad was alive … he’d be so damned ashamed.”

“Okay, Donnie. I get the message. I’m a fuck-up.”

“You’re surrounded by so many ass-kissers, you’re not getting good advice. It makes me wanna puke. I mean, these people. They’re all puttin on some show — tellin’ me this, tellin’ me that — and meanwhile you’re lying there at death’s door.”

“And will they give you a straight answer? Will they fuck!” He paused to draw sufficient breath to launch in afresh. “What happened to you, Kiddo? Ten years ago you would have laughed your butt off at the thought of getting a face-lift.”

Todd let go of Donnie’s arm. He drew a deep, sorrowful breath. “It’s hard to explain,” he said. “But I got to stay on top of the heap somehow. Younger guys keep coming along … ”

“So let ’em. Why do you need to stay on top? Why not walk away from it? You’ve had a good run, for Christ’s sake. You’ve had it all, I’d say. All and more. I mean fuck! What more do you want? Why do this to yourself?”

“Because I like the life, Donnie. I like the fame. I like the money.”

Donnie snorted. “How much more money do you damn well need? You’ve got more than you can spend if you — ”

“Don’t tell me what I’ve got and I haven’t got. You don’t know what it costs to live. Houses and taxes.” He stopped his defense; took a different track. “Anyhow, I don’t hear you complaining — ”

“Wait — ” Donnie said, knowing what was coming. But Todd wasn’t about to be stopped.

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Categories: Clive Barker