Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

with pain but making no attempt to snap or strike. The next door opened, on the

flare of light and armed men, and the Downer started within the circle of his

arm, snarled and spat, yielded to a reassuring hug. Elene was there, breaking

through the troops, holding her hands out to help.

“Get the troops back,” Damon snapped, light-blinded and unable to distinguish

Vanars. “Out of the way. Quit waving guns at them.” He urged the Downer to sit

on the floor by the wall, and Elene was ordering the medic over. “Back these

troops out of here!” Damon said again. “Leave us to it!”

An order was passed. To his great relief the India troopers began to pull back,

and the Downer sat still, with some persuasion yielded his injured arm to

examination as the medic knelt down with his kit. Damon tugged his own mask

down, stifling in it, squeezed Elene’s hand as she bent down beside him. The air

stank of sweating, frightened Downer, a pungent muskiness.

“Name’s Bluetooth,” the medic said, checking the tag. He made a few swift notes

and began gently to treat the injury. “Burn and hemorrhage. Minor, except for


“Drink,” Bluetooth pleaded, and reached for the kit. The medic rescued it and

quietly promised him water when they could find some.

The lock opened, yielded up a near dozen Downers. Damon stood up, reading panic

in their looks. “I’m Konstantin,” he said at once, for the name carried

importance with the Downers. He met them with outstretched hands, suffered

himself to be hugged by sweating, shock-hazed Downers, gentle enfoldings of

powerful furred arms. Elene welcomed them likewise, and in a moment another

lockful had spilled out, making a knot which filled the corridor and outnumbered

the troops who stood in the end of the hall. The Downers cast anxious looks in

that direction, but kept together. Another lockful, and Bluetooth’s mate was

with them, chattering anxiously until she had found him. Vanars came among them,

quite without swagger in this brown-furred flood.

“You’re requested to get them to a secure area as quickly as possible,” Vanars


“Use your com and clear us passage via the emergency ramps via four through nine

to the docks,” Damon said. “Their habitat is accessible from there; we’ll escort

them back. That’s quickest and safest for all concerned.”

He did not wait for Vanars’s comment in the matter, but waved an arm at the

Downers. “Come,” he said, and they fell silent and began to move. Bluetooth, his

arm done up in a white bandage, scrambled up not to be left, and chattered

something to the others. Satin added her own voice, and there was a general and

sudden cheerfulness among the Downers. He walked, hand in hand with Elene, and

the Downers strode along about and behind them with the peculiar accompaniment

of the breather-sounds, moving gladly and quickly. The few guards along their

route stayed very still, suddenly in the minority, and Downers chattered with

increasing freedom among themselves as they reached the end of the hall and

entered the spiraling broad ramp which led to doors on all the nine levels. An

arm snaked about Damon’s left as they descended; he looked and it was Bluetooth,

and Satin was with him, so that they came four abreast down the ramp, bizarre

company… five, for another had joined hands with Elene on the right. Satin cried

something. A chorus answered. Again she spoke, her voice echoing in the heights

and depths; and again the chattering chorus thundered out, with a bounce in

steps about them. Another yelled from the rear; and voices answered; and a

second time. Damon tightened his hand on Elene’s, at once stirred and alarmed at

this behavior, but the Downers were content to walk with him, shouting what had

begun to sound like a marching chant.

They broke into green nine, and marched down the long hall… entered the docks

with a great shout, and the echoes rang. The line of troops which guarded the

ship accesses stirred ominously, but no more than that. “Stay with me,” Damon

ordered his companions sternly, and they did so, up the curving horizon into the

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