Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

in alarm at the small movement of the other man’s hand to his coat, the sudden

flash of steel. Mills failed to see it… Angelo cried aloud as the man slashed

Mills, scrambled back as the man flung himself at him. Hale: he recognized the

face suddenly.

Mills shrieked, bleeding, sinking against the open doorway; there were screams

from the outer office; the blow struck, a numbing shock. Angelo reached for the

driving hand and met the weapon protruding from his chest, stared disbelievingly

at Jon… at hate. There were others in the doorway.

Shock welled up in him, with the blood.



“Vassily,” the voice said over com. “Vassily, do you hear me?”

Kressich, at his desk, sat paralyzed. It was Coledy, of those who sat about him,

hunched and waiting, who reached past him and punched the respond button. “I

hear,” Kressich said past the knot in his throat. He looked at Coledy. In his

ears was the buzz of voices out on the docks, people already frightened, already

threatening riot.

“Keep him safe,” Coledy said to James, who was over the five others who waited

outside. “Keep him very safe.”

And Coledy went. They had waited, had hovered about com, one of them always near

it, gathered here in the confusion. It was on them now. After a moment there was

a rise in the noise of the mob outside, a dull, bestial sound which shook the


Kressich bowed his face into his hands, stayed so for a long time, not wishing

to know.

“The doors,” he heard finally, a shout from outside. “The doors are open!”


Green nine

They ran, stumbling and breathless, jostling others in the corridor, a sea of

panicked people, red-dyed in alarm lights. A siren still went; there was a

queasiness of G as station systems struggled to keep themselves stable. “It’s

the docks,” Damon breathed, his vision blurring. A runner hit him and he fended

the body off, pushed his way, with Josh in his wake, where the ramp opened onto

nine. “Mazian’s peeled off.” It was all that made sense.

Shrieks broke out and there was a massive backflow in the crowd that brought all

the press to a stop. Of a sudden traffic began to go the other way, people

retreating from something. There were frantic screams, bodies jammed against


“Damon!” Josh yelled from behind him. It was no good. They were pushed back, all

of them, against the crush of bodies behind. Shots streaked overhead, and the

whole jammed mass quivered and rang with screams. Damon got his arms in front of

him for leverage, to keep from being suffocated… ribs were compressed.

Then the rear of the press turned, running in panic down some route of escape;

and the crush became a battering flood. He tried to stand in it, having his own

direction. A hand caught his arm, and Josh caught up with him, staggered as the

mob shoved and stampeded and they tried to fight the current

More shots. A man went down; more than one—hit. The fire was going into the


“Stop shooting!” Damon shouted, still with a wall of people in front of him, a

wall diminishing as if a scythe were hitting it. “Cease fire!”

Someone grabbed him from the back, pulled him as fire came through. He got the

edge of one and jerked in pain, scrambling for balance in the rout, running

now—it was Josh with him, pulling him along in their retreat. A man’s back

exploded an arm’s length ahead of them, and the man fell under the others.

“This way!” Josh yelled, jerked him left, down a side corridor where part of the

rout was going. He went, that direction as good as the other… saw a way to

double back through, redoubled his effort, to get to the docks, running through

the maze of secondary corridors back again to nine.

They made it as far as three intersections, frantic people scattering

everywhere, at every intersection of the corridors, staggering in the flux of G.

And then screams broke out in the halls ahead.

“Look out!” Josh yelled, catching at him. He gasped air and turned, ran where

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