Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

feel out there.”

Orders flashed. A third time the station destabilized. Green nine corridor began

to show clear as people raced for smaller spaces, even smaller corridors. Jon

punched through to Hale again. “Get forces out there. Get those docks clear;

I’ve given you your chance, confound you.”

“Sir,” Hale said, and winked out again. Jon turned full circle, looked

distractedly at the techs, at Lee Quale, who clung to a handhold by the door. He

signaled Quale, caught his sleeve and hauled him close when he came. “The

unfinished business,” he said, “down on green dock. Get down there and finish

it, understand? Finish it.”

“Yes, sir,” Quale breathed, and fled… with sense enough to know, surely, that

their lives rested on it.

Union might win. Until then they claimed station neutrality, held onto what they

could. Jon paced the aisle, catching at chairs and counters in the occasional

strong flux, trying to keep the whole center from panic. He had Pell. He had

already what Union had promised him, and would have it under Mazian and under

Union too, if he was careful; and he had been, far more than Jessad had ordered

him to be. There were no witnesses left alive in Angelo’s office, none in Legal

Affairs, abortive as that raid had been. Only Alicia… who knew nothing, who

harmed no one, who had no voice, and her sons…

Damon was the danger. Damon and his wife. Over Quen he had no control… but if

young Damon started making charges—

He cast a look over his shoulder, suddenly missed Kressich, Kressich and two who

were supposed to be watching him.

The desertion of his own enraged him, of Kressich—he was relieved. Kressich

would vanish back into the hordes of Q, frightened and unreachable.

Only Jessad… if they had not gotten him, if he was loose, near something vital—

On scan the riders were moving closer. Pell had yet a little time, before

Mazian’s troops hit. A tech handed him positive id on the ships that waited out

there; Mallory and Porey, Mazian’s two executioners. They had a name, the one

for ruthlessness and the other for enjoying it. Porey was the other one, then.

That was no good news.

He stood and sweated, waiting.


Green dock

Something was going on outside. Damon walked over the littered floor of the dark

shop and leaned there, trying again to see out the scarred window, jerked as the

red explosion of a shot distorted in the scratches. There was screaming mingled

with the grinding of machinery in operation.

“Whoever’s out there now, they’re moving this way and they’ve got guns.” He

edged back from the door, moving carefully in the lessened G. Josh stooped,

gathered up one of the rods that had been part of a ruined display, offered it.

Damon took it and Josh got another for himself. He moved up near the doorway,

and Josh went to the other side of it, back to the wall. There was no sound near

them outside, a lot of shouting far away. Damon risked a look, the light coming

from the other way, jerked back again at the sight of human shadows near the

scarred window.

The door whipped open, carded from outside, someone with priority. Two men

dashed in, guns drawn. Damon slammed the steel rod down on a head, eyes

unfocusing for horror of it, and Josh hit from the other side. The men fell

strangely in the low G, and a gun skittered loose. Josh scooped it up, fired

twice to be sure, and one jerked, dying. “Get the gun,” Josh snapped, and Damon

bent and pushed fastidiously at the body, found the unfamiliar plastic of the

gun butt in a dead hand. Josh was on his knees, rolled the other body, began to

strip it. “Clothes,” Josh said. “Cards. id’s that work.”

Damon laid the gun aside and swallowed his distaste, stripped the limp body,

took off his own suit, struggled into the bloody coveralls… there would be men

aplenty in the corridors with bloodstains on them. He searched the pockets for a

card, found the papers there, found the card lying where the body’s left hand

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