Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

and so labeled; along with a box containing a hundred thirteen items of jewelry,

and another containing one hundred fifty-eight sets of Pell civilian ids and

credit cards. There was also a written record which I have appended to the

report listing items of value and fifty-two crew and troops of the Fleet other

than those present on the premises with certain items of value by the names. I

confronted Lt. Benjamin Goforth with these findings and asked for his

explanation of the circumstances. His words were: If you want a cut, there’s no

need for this commotion. What share will it take to satisfy you? Myself: Mr.

Goforth, you’re under arrest; you and your associates will be turned over to

your captains for punishment; a tape is being made and will be used in

prosecution. Lt. Goforth: Bloody bitch. Bloody bastard bitch. Name your share.

At this point I ceased argument with Lt. Goforth and shot him in the belly. The

tape will show that complaint from his companions ceased at the same moment. My

troops arrested them without further incident and returned them to the carrier

Europe, where they remain in custody. Lt. Goforth died on the premises after

giving a detailed confession, which is appended. I ordered items in the

apartment delivered to Europe, which has been done. I ordered the Pell civilians

released after intensive identification procedures, with a strong warning that

they would be arrested if any details of this matter became public knowledge. I

returned the apartment to station files after it was completely cleared. End of

report. Appendices follow.”

Mazian had not ceased to frown. “To your observation was Lt. Goforth


“To my observation he had been drinking.”

He waved his hand slightly, an indication for her to sit down. She did so,

leaned back with a scowl on her face. “You neglect to account for your specific

reason for this execution. I’d prefer it stated for clarity’s sake.”

“It was refusal to acknowledge an arrest not only by a troop major, but by a

captain of the Fleet. His action was public. My answer was equally so.”

Mazian nodded slowly, still grim. “I valued Lt. Goforth; and, in the normal

practice of the Fleet, captain Mallory, there is a certain understanding that

troops are not subject to the stricter disciplines of crew. This… execution,

captain, places a severe burden on other captains now called upon to follow up

this extreme penalty with decisions of their own. You force them to support your

harshness against their own troops and crew… or to disagree openly by dismissing

troops with the reprimand that such activities would normally merit; and thereby

seem lax.”

“The issue, sir, is refusal of an order.”

“So noted and that will be the complaint lodged. Those troops determined in

court-martial to have participated in that refusal will be dealt with by the

severest penalties; bystanders will be faced with lesser charges and dismissed.”

“Charges of willful and knowledgeable breach of security and contributing to a

hazardous situation. I’m making progress with the new card system, sir, but the

old ones are still valid in major areas of the station, and the personnel in

that apartment were directly engaged in black-market traffic in id’s to the

detriment of my operations.”

The others murmured protests, and Mazian’s frown grew darker. “You were faced

with an immediate situation that may have had no other answer than the one you

gave. But I would point out to you, Captain Mallory, that there are other

interpretations that affect morale in this Fleet: the fact that there were no

Norway personnel arrested, and none on the infamous list. It could be pointed

out that this was a case of a rumor deliberately leaked to you by some rival

interest among your own troops.”

“There were no Norway personnel involved.”

“You were operating outside the province of your own administration. Internal

security is Captain Keu’s operation. Why was he not advised before this raid?”

“Because India troops were involved.” She looked directly at Keu’s frowning

face, and at the others, and back at Mazian. “It did not look to be a major


“Yet your own troops escaped the net.”

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