Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

to apply against this, “Who?”

“Dead,” Talley said.

“If this request is in reaction to that—”

“A long time ago,” Talley said, cutting that off. Nothing more.

An angel’s face. Humanity without flaw. Birth labs? The thought came to him

unbidden. It had always been abhorrent to him, Union’s engineered soldiers. His

own possible prejudice worried at him. “I haven’t read your file in full,” he

admitted. “This has been handled at other levels. They thought they had this

settled. It bounced back to me. You had family, Mr. Talley?”

“Yes,” Talley said faintly, defiantly, making him ashamed of himself.

“Born where?”

“Cyteen.” The same small, flat voice, “I’ve given you all that. I had parents. I

was born, Mr. Konstantin. Is that really pertinent?”

“I’m sorry. I’m very sorry. I want you to understand this: it’s not final. You

can change your mind, right up to the moment the treatment begins. All you have

to say is stop, I don’t want this. But after it goes so far, you’re not

competent. You understand… you’re no longer able. You’ve seen Adjusted men?”

“They recover.”

“They do recover. I’ll follow the case, Mr. Talley… Lt Talley… so much as I can.

You see to it,” he said to the supervisor, “that any time he sends a message, at

any stage of the process, it gets to me on an emergency basis, day or night You

see that the attendants understand that too, down to the orderlies. I don’t

think he’ll abuse the privilege.” He looked at Jacoby. “Are you satisfied about

your client?”

“It’s his right to do what he’s doing. I’m not pleased with it. But I’ll witness

it. I’ll agree it solves things… maybe for the best.”

The comp printout arrived. Damon handed the papers to Jacoby for scrutiny.

Jacoby marked the lines for signature and passed the folder to Talley. Talley

folded it to him like something precious.

“Mr. Talley,” Damon said, rising, and on impulse offered his hand, against all

the distaste he felt The young armscomper rose and took it, and the look of

gratitude in his suddenly brimming eyes cancelled all certainties. “Is it

possible,” Damon asked, “is it remotely possible that you have information you

want wiped? That that’s why you’re doing this? I warn you it’s more likely to

come out in the process than not. And we’re not interested in it, do you

understand that? We have no military interests.”

That was not it. He much doubted that it could be. This was no high officer, no

one like himself, who knew comp signals, access codes, the sort of thing an

enemy must not have. No one had discovered the like in this man… nothing of

value, not here, not at Russell’s.

“No,” Talley said. “I don’t know anything.”

Damon hesitated, still nagged by conscience, the feeling that Talley’s counsel,

if no one else, ought to be protesting, doing something more vigorous, using all

the delays of the law on Talley’s behalf. But that got him prison; got him… no

hope. They were bringing Q outlaws into detention, far more dangerous; men who

might know him, if Talley was right. Adjustment saved him, got him out of there;

gave him the chance for a job, for freedom, a life. There was no one sane who

would carry out revenge on someone after a mind-wipe. And the process was

humane. It was always meant to be.

“Talley… have you complaint against Mallory or the personnel of Norway?”


“Your counsel is present. It would be put on record… if you wanted to make such

a complaint.”


So that trick would not work. No delaying it for investigation. Damon nodded,

walked out of the room, feeling unclean. It was a manner of murder he was doing,

an assistance in suicide. They had an abundance of those too, over in Q.


Pell: sector orange nine: 5/20/52; 1900 hrs.

Kressich winced at the crash of something down the hall, beyond the sealed door,

tried not to show his terror. Something was burning, smoke reaching them through

the ventilation system. That more frightened him, and the half hundred gathered

with him in this section of hallway. Out on the docks the police and the rioters

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