Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

confound maneuvers already in progress, lessening the chance of Mazian’s success

even further?

He rose, paced again the bowed floor of what looked to be his final prison. A

second message then. An outrageous demand. If Union was as self-convinced as the

mannequins, as humorlessly convinced of their purpose, they might let it pass if

it fit their demands.

“Considering merger of Company interest with Union in trade agreements,” he

composed in his head. “Negotiations far advanced; as earnest of good faith in

negotiations, cease all military operations; cease fire and accept truce. Stand

by for further instructions.”

Treachery… to drive Mazian into retreat, into the kind of scattered resistance

Earth needed at this stage. It was the only hope.



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter One

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In approach to Pell: 10/4/52; 1145 hrs.


Norway moved as the Fleet moved, hurling their mass into realspace in synch. Com

and scan flurried into action, searching for the mote which was giant Tibet,

which had jumped in before them, advance guard, in this rout.

“Affirmative,” com sent to command with comforting swiftness. Tibet was where

she was supposed to be, intact, probe untouched by any hostile activity. Ships

were scattered about the system, commerce, quickly evaporating bluster from some

self-claimed militia. Tibet had had one merchanter skip out in panic, and that

was bad news. They needed no tale-bearers running to Union; but possibly that

was the last place a merchanter wanted to head at the moment

And a moment later confirmation snapped out from Europe, from the flagship’s

operations: they were in safe space with no action probable.

“Getting com out of Pell itself now,” Graff relayed to her post at controls,

still listening. “Sounds good.”

Signy reached across the board and keyed signal to the rider-captains, advising

them. Fast to Norway’s hull, so many parasites, they did not kick loose. Com was

receiving direct and frantic id’s from the militia ships scrambling out of their

projected course as they came insystem dangerously fast, out of system plane.

The Fleet itself was more than nervous, running as they were in one body,

probing their way into the last secure area they hoped to have left.

They were nine now. Chenel’s Libya was debris and vapor, and Keu’s India had

lost two of its four riders.

They were in full retreat, had run from the debacle at Viking, seeking a place

to draw breath. They all had scars; Norway had a vane trailing a cloud of

metallic viscera, if they still had the vane at all after jump. There were dead

aboard, three techs who had been in that section. They had not had time to vent

them, not even to clean up the area, had run, saved the ship, the Fleet, such as

remained of Company power. Signy’s boards still flashed with red lights. She

passed the order to damage control to dispose of the corpses, whatever of them

they could find.

Here too there might have been an ambush—was not, would not be. She stared at

the lights in front of her, looked at the board, with the drugs still weighting

her senses, numbing her fingers as she manipulated controls to take back

Norway’s governance from comp synch. They had scarcely engaged at Viking, had

turned tail and run—Mazian’s decision. She had never questioned, had respected

the man for strategic genius—for years. They had lost a ship, and he had pulled

them, after months of planning, after maneuvers that had taken four months and

unreckoned lives to set up.

Had pulled them from a fight from which their nerves were still jangled, from a

fight which they could have won.

She had not the heart to look beside her to meet Graff’s eyes, or Di’s, or the

faces of the others on the bridge; and no answer for them. Had none for herself.

Mazian had another idea… something. She was desperate to believe that there was

sane reason for the abort.

Get out quickly, redo it. Replan it. Only this time they had been pushed out of

all their supply lines, had given up all the stations from which they had drawn

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