Cornwell, Bernard 01 Sharpe’s Tiger-Serigapatam-Apr-May 1799

Sharpe fired. The bullet went higher than he intended. He had thought to put it through the Tippoo’s heart, but instead it struck the King in the temple. For a second the Tippoo wavered. His head had been whipped back by the bullet’s force and blood was soaking into his cloth-padded helmet, but he forced his head forward and stared into Sharpe’s eyes. The sword fell from his nerveless hand, he seemed to smile a last time, then he just slumped down.

The booming echo of the musket shot still battered Sharpe’s ears so he was not aware that he was talking as he crouched beside the Tippoo. ‘It’s your ruby I want,’ Sharpe said, ‘that bloody great ruby. I wanted it from the very first moment I saw you. Colonel McCandless told me, he did, that it’s wealth that makes the world turn and I want my share.’ The Tippoo still lived, but he could not move. His expressionless eyes stared up at Sharpe, who thought the Tippoo was dead, but then the dying man blinked. ‘Still here, are you?’ Sharpe said. He patted the Tippoo’s bloodied cheek. ‘You’re a brave fat bastard, I will say that for you.’ He wrenched the huge ruby off the blood-spattered feather plume, then stripped the dying man of every jewel he could find. He took the pearls from the Tippoo’s neck, twisted off an armlet bright with gems, tugged off the diamond rings and unlatched the silver-hung necklace of emeralds. He pulled on the Tippoo’s sash to see if the dagger with the great diamond called the Moonstone in its hilt was there, but the sash held nothing except the sword scabbard. Sharpe took that, but left the tiger-hilted sword. He lifted the blade from a puddle of sewage and placed it in the Tippoo’s hand. ‘You can keep your sword,’ he told the dying man, ‘for you fought

proper. Lake a proper soldier.’ He stood up and then, awkwardly, because of his burden of jewels and because he was suddenly conscious of the dying King’s gaze, he saluted the Tippoo. ‘Take your blade to paradise,’ he said, ‘and tell them you were killed by another proper soldier.’

The Tippoo’s eyes closed and he thought of the prayer that he had copied into his notebook that very morning. ‘I am full of sin,’ the Tippoo had written in his beautiful Arabic script, ‘and Thou, Allah, art a sea of mercy. Where Thy mercy is, where is my sin?’ That was a comfort. There was no pain now, not even in his leg, and that was a comfort too, but still he could not move. It was like one of the dreams he copied each morning into his dream-book and he wondered at how peaceful everything suddenly seemed, as peaceful as though he was floating on a gilded barge down a warm river beneath a blessed sun. This must be the way to paradise, he thought, and he welcomed it. Paradise.

Sharpe felt a pang of sorrow for the dying man. He might have been a murderous enemy, but he was a brave one. The Tippoo had fallen with his right arm trapped beneath his body, and though Sharpe suspected there was another jewelled armlet on that hidden sleeve, he did not try to retrieve it. The Tippoo deserved to die in peace and, besides, Sharpe was rich enough already, for his pockets now held a king’s ransom while a leather scabbard sewn with sapphires was hidden under his shabby coat, and so he picked up one of his empty muskets and splashed through the tunnel’s bloody puddles towards the pile of dead that lay in the smoky sunlight. A sergeant of the 12th, startled by Sharpe’s sudden appearance from the tunnel, snatched up his bayonet, then saw Sharpe’s filthy red jacket and let the weapon fall. ‘Anyone alive in there?’ the Sergeant asked.

‘Just a fat little fellow dying,’ Sharpe said as he climbed over the barrier of the dead.

‘Did he have any loot?’

‘Nothing,’ Sharpe said, ‘nothing worth the trouble. Place is full of shit, too.’

The Sergeant frowned at Sharpe’s unkempt dress and unpowdered hair. ‘What regiment are you?’

‘Not yours,’ Sharpe said curtly, and walked away through the crowds of celebrating redcoats and sepoys. Not all were celebrating. Some were massacring trapped enemies. The fight had been brief but nasty, and now the winners took a bloody revenge. On the far side of the inner wall Colonel Wellesley had brought his men into the streets and they now surrounded the palace to preserve it from plunder. The smaller streets were not so fortunate, and the first screams sounded as the sepoys and redcoats found their hungry way into the unprotected alleys. The Tippoo’s men, those that still lived and had escaped their pursuers, fled eastwards while the Tippoo, left alone in the tunnel, lay dying.

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Categories: Cornwell, Bernard