Crusader. Novel by Sara Douglass

What if there was a flaw? What if the Demons could find their way in?

Stars! Where would the peoples go then?

DragonStar gave himself a mental shake to get rid of the negative thoughts. The Enemy had built this

place, and they’d damn well meant it as a Sanctuary against the Demons. They knew what they were

doing, didn’t they?

“Are you sure?” Faraday asked, and DragonStar sent her a reassuring smile.

“Of course. Now, I want to take DareWing with me,” DragonStar turned to the birdman

and managed a considerably more genuine smile, “not only for the company, but because there is

something I need to show him. Something he, as we, will need in our battle to reclaim the wasteland.”

“And that is …” DareWing said.

“Your army,” DragonStar said, and then laughed at the hungry expression that filled

DareWing’s face.

Chapter 10

A Busy Day in Spiredore

Take me to the lost peoples of Tencendor, StarGrace had asked, and Spiredore did. StarGrace

walked up a series of stairways, across a myriad of balconies, and eventually Spiredore grew merciful on

her aching legs and simmering temper, and led her to a short tunnel of blue mist.

At the end of the tunnel StarGrace could see the milling forms of a score of people, and she laughed.

“Maybe Qeteb will allow me my revenge on WolfStar for this service,” she cried, and stepped into

the blue-misted tunnel to see just where this new StarSon had hidden the millions of souls the Demons so

hungered for.

When she’d almost reached the end of the tunnel, StarGrace halted and stared, her eyes draining of

all their triumph.

Then she snarled. This damned tower had thought to amuse itself at her expense!

Spiredore had indeed led her to the lost peoples of Tencendor … but not the hidden

peoples. Beyond the end of the tunnel StarGrace could discern a cave, and in that cave huddled and

whispered and scampered a score of crazed humans. They had torn off (or eaten) their clothes, and now

were naked, clothed only in sores and abrasions. Their maddened eyes shifted constantly, and they

scratched at themselves and at the others who shifted past them.

“Ssssss!” StarGrace almost fell over in her haste to get back inside Spiredore. Stars alone knew

where that cave was, and she didn’t want to waste time flying back to Spiredore (and a waiting and

impatient Qeteb) to start all over again.

She relaxed slightly as her feet clicked onto the boards of a stairway again, and she halted, and

spoke with some aspersion.

“Spiredore, take me to the place where StarSon has hidden the peoples of Tencendor.”

And she set her feet to the stairs before her.

“My army?” DareWing said as he and DragonStar walked along the road towards the place where the

silvery bridge had once spanned the chasm. DragonStar had left the Star Stallion, the Alaunt and the

lizard in Sanctuary, saying he wanted only to risk what was necessary, but he carried the Wolven and its

quiver of arrows over his back.

“Who do you think?” DragonStar said.

DareWing frowned, and then a thought so extraordinary occurred to him that he halted, and

grabbed DragonStar’s shoulder. “But they’re deadl”

“So were you,” DragonStar said, his eyes crinkling with humour.

“The Strike Force,” DareWing breathed, his eyes unfocused, his mind remembering the thrill of the

hunt through the thermals.

DragonStar nodded.

DareWing refocused his gaze on DragonStar’s face. “No wonder you wanted to bring me back as

one of your five.”

“The Strike Leader. Yes.”

DareWing breathed in deeply, filled with such joy he could hardly believe it. The Strike Force!

“But first we must negotiate Spiredore,” DragonStar said, “and find out if its stairways are still safe.”

They walked the remaining distance to the chasm in silence, and it was only once they were there

that DareWing came out of ‘his reverie enough to ask how they were going to get across. “Didn’t you use

the bridge to cross into Spiredore?”

“Not exactly,” DragonStar said. “I used it as a focus for my own enchantment. I don’t

actually need the bridge to cross, but I do need something to focus on in order to return us —”

he hesitated slightly over that word, and DareWing glanced sharply at him, “— to this

point. But a bridge we do not actually need.”

DragonStar reached behind him and drew an arrow out of his quiver. In one powerful movement, he

thrust it into the ground before them.

Its blue feathers and its shaft quivered slightly with the residual force of DragonStar’s action, then it

stood still.

“And so,” DragonStar said, unsheathing his sword and drawing the doorway of light, “now


StarGrace climbed higher and higher through the crazy world of Spiredore, her temper increasing with

every step.

Where was this tower leading her? She’d climb to the sun before she ever reached a destination!

Suddenly she halted, and her entire body stilled.

There was something else in the tower. StarGrace didn’t know in what other manner to

describe the feeling, only that in the space betwixt one heartbeat and another something

else had stepped into Spiredore.

Qeteb? One of the other Demons?

No. This presence had a different feel about it.

There! Above her! StarGrace crouched under an overhang of a balcony and peered upwards.

DragonStar paused in their passage through Spiredore. “It is not as safe as it once was,” he said. “We

must be careful.”

She narrowed her eyes, searching the gloom above, then paused. Two men, one Icarii, one not, walking

down a stairwell.

StarGrace almost panicked, for they were coming directly towards her, but just before they turned

the curve of stairs that would have brought them face to face, the two men turned into a balcony, and

vanished down a tunnel of blue mist.

StarGrace waited a few minutes until she was sure they were gone, then she resumed her climb.

Within two turns of her stairwell, Spiredore presented StarGrace with another blue-misted


They emerged onto a plain blasted with an icy northerly wind. Wind-driven snow stung at their faces and

eyes before it hit the ground and disappeared into the numerous cracks and chasms that wove their

demented way across the flat, barren surface.

“Where are we?” DareWing gasped, wrapping both arms and wings about himself in a vain attempt

at protection against the wind and snow.

DragonStar looked about, as uncomfortable as was DareWing.

“Somewhere in the northern Avonsdale Plains, I think. See? Those must be the southern Western

Ranges. Or maybe even a bit further west towards the Andeis coast … I’m not too sure.”

Frankly, DareWing didn’t give a damn about their precise location, and wished he hadn’t asked.

“How will you get us to the Field of Flowers?”

DragonStar turned to look at DareWing. “Oh, I am not. I think you should.”

“Me? How am I going to do it?”

“Look within yourself, DareWing. You have been in the Field before. You have been through the

gate. This time you must open it for yourself.”

DareWing tightened his arms, wondering if he would freeze solid in four breaths or five. “Why

couldn’t you have told me this while we were still in Sanctuary? I could have thought about it before. I

could have had it all worked out before we got into this —”

“DareWing. Doit!”

DareWing almost cursed before he realised he’d have to open his mouth and expose himself to more

of the freezing air in order to do so. He contented himself with a hard glare in DragonStar’s direction,

then he concentrated on the problem at hand.

This was the first time since DragonStar had transformed him that he’d been well enough to even

contemplate exploring the newly-resurrected Acharite power within himself.

Let alone use it to propel both of them into the Field of Flowers.

“Think,” DragonStar whispered underneath the howling wind. “Think … what do you

remember most about the Field?”

DareWing frowned. Flowers. He remembered flowers. Then he almost smiled, for he remembered

the feel of the sun on his back, and the peace of the Field, and then he did smile, for those were things

he’d enjoy feeling right now.

Instantly he was overwhelmed with the scent of the billions upon billions of flowers that existed within

the Field, and then they were there.

DareWing leaned back his head and laughed.

StarGrace smirked. She stood at the edge of the blue-misted tunnel, still safe within

Spiredore’s power. Beyond her lay a chasm, and beyond the chasm a road wended its

way through a plain dotted liberally with flowering shrubs. Far away rose a line of blue and purple

mountains, cradling the entrance of a valley. With her powerful sight, StarGrace could see the shapes of

Icarii spiralling above the valley entrance.

The hidden souls had been found.

Her smiled widened momentarily, then she stepped back into Spiredore.

“See,” said DragonStar, and from the infinite sky above them floated down DareWing’s warriors.

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