Cybernation by Tom Clancy


JVet Force HQ Quantico, Virginia

“How’d the demonstration go?” Jay asked. It was good to see the boss and Toni working together again.

The boss said, “I believe the FBI recruits learned a certain amount of respect for small women with extensive martial arts training.”

“And men in skirts, too,” Toni said.

Jay missed the byplay on that, but both Michaels and Toni thought it was funny.

“So, what do you have for us?” the boss said.

Jay looked up from his flatscreen. It was just the three of them. General Howard’s son, Tyrone, had busted his leg pretty good in a car wreck, so Howard was out at the hospital. Tyrone had his leg in traction-a pin through his shin hooked to a sandbag over a pulley. He was gonna be there a few more days, at least. Jay had dropped by to see him. He was a good kid. Lieutenant Julio Femandez was out testing some new piece of equipment.

Jay said, “Well, not that much. After that hit on Blue



, everything died down again. But I started follow: lead I got on CyberNation.”

Nation? Are they still around? ‘Information I be free?'”

s looked at Toni. “Oh, yeah, they’re bigger than ever. I Ihey have a point, you know. That genie is out of

, it ain’t goin’ back in.” i-huh.” She didn’t sound convinced, shrugged. “And every time the net jigs instead of they get more subscribers. Makes a good motive.” : of people could have motive,” Michaels said. “All of things thrive in chaos. Have you got anything 5 them a better suspect than a thousand other ; whose stock went up when the net stuttered?” not that I can prove. I’ve got one interesting might be a coincidence.” i k f”

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Categories: Clancy, Tom