Cybernation by Tom Clancy

He shook his head. “Can’t be. He doesn’t even know Who we are.” “Excuse me?”

He looked at Taggart. “Nothing. Never mind. You’re plight, it was probably some kid screwing around. No ffaarm, no foul.”

But as he walked away, Keller’s fluttering bowels I didn’t settle down. If it wasn’t some kid trying to break oto a system just for the hell of it, then who could it be? liAnd the only answer was: somebody who wanted to know fwho was on the train. Maybe Gridley had figured it out. |Maybe that old Thai persona Keller had used had been ‘too good a clue. And if it was Gridley, and he knew Keller ‘was on the train with his team, then they were in deep trouble. If the Americans thought this train had anything œto do with the net and web disruptions, they would be all lover the Germans to pull it to a stop and have a look-see. I’Somebody high up in the German government would |surely owe a favor to somebody high up in the U.S. gov- Jernment, and even if not, there could easily be a quid pro



quo offer in a big hurry: Scratch our back, Hans, and we’ll scratch yours, yah?

And if Gridley knew about this platform, maybe he knew about the barge in Yokohama, too. It wouldn’t be safe there, either.

He had to get off the train. Fast.


fNet Force HQ

t Quanlico, Virginia

iMichaels looked at Jay, then at John Howard, the other ?man in his office. “It’s iffy,” he said.

Jay nodded. “Yep. I don’t have ironclad proof. But I’m positive of it. Keller is the guy leading the charge. He’s got the chops, and CyberNation is the organization that stands to gain more than anybody. Last week, he and his team were on the boat, and now they are on a big ole electric train in Deutschland. If we can grab them, I bet we can squeeze a confession out of one of ’em. And sure stop anything they are planning.” -. ‘ “There’s due process for you,” Michaels said.

“Hey, the Germans got stung when the net went wonky, people all over the world lost money. If they don’t have Miranda warnings, that’s not our concern, is it?”

“I think you’ve been watching too many World War Two movies, Jay. They aren’t all Nazis over there anymore. People have rights in Germany now.”

Jay shrugged.



“What I want to know more about is this connection among the three locations,” Howard said. “The train, the barge in Japan, the ship.”

Jay said, ‘Triple redundancy. I think each of these has got identical computer systems set up. They share the information. If something happens to one, they still have two backups. That’s how I’d do it. We got at least a backup off-site ourselves now, the new substation in D.C.”

“So it wouldn’t do us any good to take out the train by itself.”

“Well, General, it would tell us for sure if these guys are the villains if we got a look at their hardware and software. Don’t we have any spies who can do a walkthrough in RT?”

“We’ve already got a spy on the boat,” Michaels reminded him.

“Yeah, but she’s not supposed to poke around in the private decks, just gather info that’s public. Besides, we know that Keller is on the train now anyhow. I’m telling you, this is the real deal.”

Michaels shook his head. “Even if I believed you-and it happens I do-we don’t have enough to start arresting people, even via another government. And if we could shut down the train and the barge at the-where was it? the shipworks?-that would still leave the gambling ship down there in the Caribbean. If they are about to do something else nasty, wouldn’t that be likely to precipitate it?”

Jay shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe. But they might not be ready to go for it yet. Our defenses have gotten better. It’ll be harder next time. Plus if we get Keller and his big guns, that’s gonna monkey wrench it. The second team won’t be as good.”

“If that’s all they do,” Howard said.

Michaels looked at him.

“Remember that cut transcontinental fiber-optic cable? Where they found the two dead militiamen? Have we considered that they might be linked?”



Michaels shook his head. “Why would you say that?” “Well, sir, if it were me, I’d want a multipronged attack something as big as die Interact. Sticking it with a [.knife in the hind leg will make it bleed, but that won’t |kill it, or even seriously slaw it down. But if you shot it lin the head, maybe set off a charge of dynamite under it |at the same time?”

“The general has a point, boss. There is more than one | way to shut off a node. Doesn’t have to be with software, frcould be with hardware. My programmers can’t fix that.” “Great. I need to hear this.”

He leaned back in his chair and thought about it for a Isecond. “All right. I’m going to present this to the director œ and get her thoughts about it. Meanwhile, General, you ?might want to fine-tune your ship-boarding scenarios. I’m expecting an update from Toni soon, so you can add that into your data files.” “Yes, sir.” He grinned.

“You really like the idea of storming a ship at sea and i taking it over, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir. I know I shouldn’t, it’s dangerous, but it’s ; what I’m trained to do. Every now and then, you like to see if your tools still work.”

“Go sharpen them, John. I’m going over to see the director. Jay, you get back on-line and get me something, anything, I can use to convince the director we aren’t grabbing at straws here.” “On my way, boss.”

On the Bon Chance

The bar was relatively quiet, but the muted sound of bells going off in the casino filtered through the walls. People were smoking as well as drinking, there being no laws against it here. Even though there were apparently vacuum ashtrays on the tables and bar that sucked a lot of



the smoke away, it still smelled like cigarettes, with a cigar or pipe thrown in to add their heavier scents. Cigarettes were nasty, but Toni had to confess that she kind of liked the smell of cigars and pipe tobacco.

Toni, dressed now in jeans, running shoes, and a dark blouse, arrived ten minutes early and looked around. She noted the exits, then found a small table next to the wall in the corner. She sat with her back against the wall. A row of curtained portholes ran along the wall at head level, but she arranged her chair so she wasn’t sitting in front of one.

A young and pretty waitress in a short black skirt and white shirt was at the table fifteen seconds later.

Toni ordered, and it was only another minute or two before the waitress returned with a tall glass of tomato juice with a celery stick in it. Quick service.

Roberto Santos arrived exactly on the hour. He wore a dark suit, Armani if she was any judge, a black silk scoop- necked T-shirt, and alligator loafers. The shoes alone probably cost more than all the clothes she had packed. He also wore that gold watch, ring, and bracelet she had seen before. A walking Fort Knox.

He walked straight toward her table, as if he had known where she would be.

“Miss Johnson. Good to see you again.”

“Mr. Santos.”

“Roberto, please. Mr. Santos is my father.”

They exchanged smiles.

The waitress was there before Santos settled fully in his chair, and she had a drink on her tray. It was mostly white, with streaks of brown in it. He smiled at the young woman and took the drink. “Thank you, Betty.”

The waitress dimpled and almost curtsied, then moved away. Toni had the impression that if Santos said “Jump,” Betty would be hi the air in a heartbeat, and naked before she came back down.

Santos sipped at the drink “Ah,” he said. He looked at her and answered what he thought was her unasked ques-



i lion: “Coconut milk and Cuban rum,” he said. “Very fat- liening. I have to work extra hard after I have one of (these.” He raised his glass to her and she held up her i tomato juice. It looked like a Bloody Mary. Let him think


new friends,” he said. “Why not?” she said. They clinked glasses.

She nursed her juice while he finished his rum and coconut milk and started a second one. He was very smooth, this Santos, not glib, but totally focused on her, appearing entranced by her every word or look, as if she were the r most fascinating woman in the world. Which, in her fake i identity, she certainly was not. It didn’t take a genius to j realize he was hoping to get laid.

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Categories: Clancy, Tom