Cuckoo’s Egg by C.J. Cherryh

The void that had sped past him, about him, shrank to a single familiar dimension.

(“Again,” Duun said, standing over him on the sand. “Again.”)

Thorn sucked in a breath and stared at Duun as Duun pushed off and soared up through the lighted hatchway like some sleek gray man-sized fish.

(He’s been waiting for me. Where have I been? Where has my mind been? It was pity he felt for me.)

(He belongs here. This is his element, like Sheon; and the city-tower and the guild-hall never were.)

Thorn pushed off and extended his body the way Duun had, with the same grace, conscious of it. He came up into the light of the crew-compartment, found his touch-point with one sure motion and drifted to the counter-hold he sought, there where he could see Duun and the others.

They were receiving and sending messages again. Duun listened and answered in that jargon again which made little sense. “Is it custom,” Thorn asked when there was a lull, “to talk ) that; or have we enemies up here?”

“Is that your question?” Duun asked.

“I’ll tell you when I ask it.” Thorn held to the counter and felt the sensitivity of his burns. “If this is an ocean, this minnow had better learn to swim. He should have learned days ago.”

Duun looked at him and slanted his ears back in an expression Thorn had seen a thousand times. “There are enemies. The same as we met on earth. The companies who maintain factories and mines up here use ghotanin for guards. And some of them have ships. Not like the shuttle. The shuttle’s not built for what we’re doing. Ships are moving, some friendly, some not. We’ve burned all the fuel we have getting out of earth’s pull. It wasn’t a scheduled launch. It was the reserve shuttle we used. One’s always kept launch-ready: the companies like their schedules kept. And getting it powered up without letting Shbit and the ghotanin trace that order to me-that took some work.”

(You knew it all in advance, then. Dammit, Duun-)

Duun might have smiled; on the ruined side such motions were ambiguous and made him deceptive to read. It might have been a grimace. “Right now,” Duun said, “we’re on course for Gatog. It lies some distance out. We’re not capable of stopping, of course. But that’s not a great problem. A miner’s already moving into line to be on that course a few weeks hence, a simple salvage job. If nothing intervenes. We’re moving very slowly. Our enemies are closing at ten times our speed. We have no weapons. Those ships do. Fortunately so do our friends. It’s a very touchy business, minnow, hour by hour. A ship spends fuel; the other side does; each move changes the intercept point and the schedule. We’re the only fixed quantity because we can’t maneuver, no more than a world or a moon. We just sail on. And hour by hour those ships out there burn a little, figure, discover what the enemy’s doing, refigure, maneuver and do another burn. Faster and faster. It depends on how willing crews are to die, and at what point they commit themselves. For the nearest of our friends the earth is close to the infinity point: they were never built to land, and if they overspend on fuel they’ll not have the capacity to do the necessary vector change and get back again: the gravity well is just that, a treacherous slope, and a ship that spends everything can find itself going downhill. For our enemies, the infinity point is infinity-or some star a hundred years away. And someone could eventually fetch them back. They don’t need to be as brave. Or as careful.”

“What will our friends do?”

“Some of them are hatani.”

“They’ll do what they have to, then.” The guild house. The laughter which no longer sounded cruel, but innocent and brave. (They didn’t know then they were in such close danger. Even hatani failed to read it. They saw the ghota; they knew trouble had come in, but they couldn’t know it all.) “Are they armed?”


Thorn looked about him, at the crew who worked so unceasingly, who talked calmly over the radio and sometimes joked with each other or did whimsical things, like sailing a morsel of food toward a fellow crew member for that one to catch. “These are brave people,” Thorn said, as if he stood at the foot of some great mountain. It was that kind of awe, making him quiet inside. He thought of Manan and his copilot, the plane running ahead of the maelstrom the shuttle would kick up. The woman at the shuttle hatchway, sealing them in, staying in the shattered world.

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J