Cuckoo’s Egg by C.J. Cherryh

(A hatani dictates others’ moves. A hatani judges. A hatani wanders through the world setting things to rights again. A hatani can leave a pebble in your bed-in your drink-can pass a locked door and track you in the dark. He’s a hunter… not of game. Of anyone he wants. What else is he?)

(Everything Duun does has a cause. And Sagot’s his friend. Maybe-maybe Betan was. No. Yes. O gods, maybe it’s all set up. Could Betan take a thing like me by preference? Was she curious? Curious-about what she’d let do that with her?)

(Sphitti laughing and joking with me, Elanhen too, from the time we met. Wouldn’t it be natural to flinch? But they were prepared for it. They knew what I’d look like. Maybe Cloen was the only honest one-the only one who ever told me the truth.)

(Fool, you knew that, you knew it from the time you walked into that room and you wanted to believe something else. You saw how Betan moved-you thought hatani then and put that thought away.)

(She flinched at the last, she flinched and I reacted-I smelled the fear, her nerve broke-I pushed back, it scared me, it was reflex, she was up against me and I smelled the fear-)

(Thorn, where’s your mind? Did you leave it at Sheon, on that hill, when you went back for him? Can you forget how Duun works?)

(I love him. Does he love me?)

(Is even Sagot real? All her chatter-from the start-‘I like you, boy.’ Thorn, you fool.)

(Did Duun tell the truth, what I am and where he got me?)

Thorn sat there with his hands locked between his knees; and at last he got up and turned on the lights, checked the bed, as if there could be a pebble there. There was none.

(I hate him. I hate him for what he’s done to me.)

(It was the best thing in the world when he smiled at me today.)

* * *

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They used the wer-knives this time, the blades cased in clear plastic. Duun bent and took the pass, snaked from Thorn’s strike and Thorn evaded his, fell and flipped up on his feet a distance away. “Is that a move you invented?” Duun asked dryly, and Thorn lowered his head and looked under one brow in that way he had when he had done something foolish. “I invented it just then,” Thorn said, “when I landed on my heel. I’m sorry, Duun.” It was well-done, nevertheless. Duun laid his ears back. “Again.”

Three more times. The wer-knives met in a way they never met when they were naked steel, plastic touching plastic and giving too much resistance. Duun floated back and stripped the cover from his blade. Thorn’s eyes betrayed dismay, but Thorn pulled the sheath from his and threw it aside.

Naked steel. Duun gripped the knife in his maimed right hand, held the left close to it, ready to change off on short notice. Thorn did the same, maneuvering and watching nothing but his eyes and that blade.

Duun moved, not the feint that was his habit, but straight attack, aborted at the last instant when he saw Thorn cover; evade; to a feint, double-feint, hand-shift, retreating circle, sideslip, hand-shift.

Blade hissed on blade and slid clear; continuing drive, a floating attack.

Thorn escaped it with a fall and roll, came up again with sand in his hair and a desperate parry, for Duun kept coming and the wall was coming at Thorn’s back.

Thorn sensed it and moved, too quickly. Duun shifted hands and blade rang on blade as Thorn backed up in free space again.

Duun called time. “Dammit, that steel’s too fine to be treated like that! Keep edge off edge!”

“Yes, Duun.” Thorn sucked breath in. Sweat ran in his eyes and he wiped it.

“It’s that damned handedness again. You know what you did?”

“Went to the right,” Thorn said. His shoulders sank. He wiped sweat again. “I feinted left.”

“But you went to the right, fool!”

“Yes, Duun. I thought you’d think I’d go left this time for sure.”

“Not when you never do it! Gods, surprise me once!”

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J