Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

`That wouldn’t be one of your duties. The complement of the KTTS have enough Basic, and both human captains have sufficient `Dini for necessary exchanges. It’s the heft of your Talent that’s required.’ `Oh,’ and Rojer grinned. `Stevedoring’ was a longstanding family joke.

`But why, Dad, might it be premature?’ `The squadron has discovered that the Hiver ship is decelerating. Their apparent destination is a type star system. When the message capsule was sent, the Hiver was closing with the heliopause. It also had not despatched either scouts or probes.

It is thought that this system may contain a Hive colony.’ `Wow!’ `Precisely. A reasonable enough assumption since this G-type star is not that far, spatially speaking, from the Hive homeworld. The feeling is that these are refugees, not colonists.’ `Wow! And we’re going to attack it?’ `Ah, now that has not been discussed, much less decided.

Considerable reconnaissance is required. In the matter of how Hive colony worlds are protected, even the `Dini High Council has no expertise. That star system is galactically opposite to Clarf, north in a manner of speaking and rimward.’ `And that’s why a Prime is needed to `port the findings of reconnaissance probes and scouts!’ `Exactly!

To expedite data delivery and receive necessary orders. You have always been discreet, Rojer.’ Rojer let out a sigh, only then realizing he had been holding his breath. `I’ll be a clam with my shields at maximum.’ `Not quite, dear,’ his mother said. `You’ll be on call at all times, but there are no Talents above an eight on either of the human ships. So you can’t be read.’ `You’ll be going out with supply drones which are badly needed,’ his father added.

`I don’t mind what I go with so long as I go.’ Afra placed his hand on Rojer’s shoulder and gripped it tightly, allowing his pride to flow through.

Rojer glanced at his mother. There was a slightly sad look in her eye that made Rojer appreciate his luck was her regret.

`Mom!’ He reached out to touch her cheek and she held his hand to her face briefly. He sensed that she had accepted, if reluctantly, the disposition of yet another of her children.

`It’s all right with me, too, Rojer. But for you, it does mean deferring your training in engineering. According to Xexo, you’ve shown considerable aptitude in that area. And you aren’t really the staid sort that would thrive on Tower life.’ `I’d do it, Mother, you know that.’ Damia lifted her eyebrows. `You’ve had little choice. Nor more had I at your age.

`But, Mother, it’s not a question of choice, is it?

Talent has responsibilities — ` He stopped.

`You learned thoroughly, didn’t you?’ she said, smiling.

`Yeah, I guess. You brought us up real good, Mom. And we have choices, you know. You’re seeing that we do. Even Zara `Oh,’ and Damia clicked her tongue. `She is becoming a problem with this mercurial instability…

`She’ll be all right,) Afra remarked soothingly, `though she’ll probably surprise all of us eventually.’ `I think so, too, Dad,’ Rojer said stoutly, to reassure his mother. And himself. `Ah, when will I have to go? And do I take Gil and Kat with me?’ `You certainly do.

They’re only just out of hibernation so they’ll be fine. Not that it did Thian’s pair any harm to do theirs on Clarf,’ and Afra smiled when that remark got a chuckle out of Damia. `As to when you leave, we’ll inform your grandfather that we’ve asked you and you’ve consented.

It’s not going to be easy, but you have Thian’s experiences as a guide.

You are a civilian and you are to be protected so don’t have a fit if someone summarily throws you into an escape pod and tells you to get yourself home. Primes are not expendable.’ Rojer grinned, imagining the ruckus his grandparents would make if anything did happen to a Prime grandson.

`We’ll keep in touch, too,’ Damia said, combing her fingers through the white lock which Rojer kept short. `We’re only a thought away wherever you are.’ `I know, Mom, Dad, but I don’t think you ought to tell Zara where I’m going. I think she’d freak out.

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