Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

If Dad’s too tired to, Rojer said, wondering just how long last night’s conversation had lasted.

I’ve an hour before Ca llis to clears.

Rojer caught his father’s eye and grinned. They unstrapped, helped the `Dinis out and took the path from the yard to the Rowan’s house.

To Rojer’s surprise, because he’d had no hint, Jeff Raven was also seated at the breakfast table and beckoned them enthusiastically to join him.

were set for two more humans and `I add my compliments to all the others, Rojer,’ his grandfather said.

`I’d like a kiss, Rojer,’ the Rowan said.

That was the ultimate accolade and Rojer nearly stumbled on his way to his grandmother’s side of the table. His mother had often said that her mother shamelessly cultivated her imperious pose.

It certainly scared Rojer. But, keeping the thought scrupulously private, Rojer thought she was a very beautiful grandmother, with her striking mass of silvery hair, her small but delicately featured face.

She was no taller now than his shoulder. She turned her cheek to him, held up one hand to encircle his head when he appeared to hesitate, and he kissed her.

What he had expected to feel he didn’t know: what he got was unqualified approval and acceptance. Her cheek was smooth as a petal and her perfume was subtly but not sweetly floral.

Thanks, Grandmother, he said gratefully.

That’s the trouble with being Talented, Rojer.

The ordinary human touches assume merits beyond their true status.

That was a grandmotherly kiss of welcome after long absence: nothing more. But I am pleased with your performance. As deftly as ever I or your grandfather could do it. You deserve to see the thing if that’s your desire.

Clearly the Rowan had no desire to view the escape pod, though that was all he sensed. No trace of her rancour and anger of last night was perceivable.

`Coffee or tea, Rojer?’ she asked, gesturing him to take his place. WERE YOUR DREAMS GOOD? she asked Gil and Kat in clipped `Dini accents as they took their stools.


`Ve virr plezz’d,’ Kat added not to be outdone in the courtesy department. It had never had much luck with the `w’ sound though Gil managed well enough. `Good fun to play Uman gamez.’ Kat always leaned on the plural `5’ A USEFUL GAME, the Rowan replied though the word she, employed to express game was `well-spent free time Rojer drank his coffee and found enough space for one of the delicious breakfast rolls that his grandmother said had been `ported in only an hour before. His grandfather talked of the latest arrivals to the Denebian cousins and several recent pairings.

He asked after Afra’s nieces and nephews who, with Afra’s adroit sponsorship, were finding positions in Talented businesses away from Capella. Rojer found the Capellan relatives dull – at least until they’d been off-world a while. Then they shed what his father called `methody’ ways but not, fortunately, their early childhood training.

If his Denebian cousins were wild, outspoken to a fault, his Capellan ones were too prim and restrained.

Certainly nothing more was said about the Hive vessel or the escape pod and the Queen or other problems besetting either the Talented or the Alliance. Breakfast was conducted much as it was at his own home: pleasant, tension-free, easing into the stresses of the day.

Linking her arm through her husband’s, the Rowan led the way back to the yard and the two personnel carriers cradled there. The smaller one was Jeff’s and he’d `port himself to the Blundell Tower which was the immense FT&T administrative headquarters on Earth.

Jeff and the Rowan saw Afra, Rojer and the `Dinis settled in their capsule.

Who’s making the `port? the Rowan asked.

Rojer, Afra replied, with a solemn wink at his son.

Catch the platform bay from my mind, Rojer. This is where you’ll view that place. She apotheosized `that place’ in a dismissive tone but then he’d been forewarned of her attitude so he `looked’ deeply and `saw’ the area and the cradles available to visitors. The military police had their own docking facility.

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