Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

In fact, you look quite handsome and confident.

Shakes don’t show?

Only a mother would notice the shakes, and tonight I’m playing belle of the ball.

He grinned absently as someone on his left finished a joke but he knew she’d know it was for her.

Dinner ended almost too abruptly and it was time for him to spring his trap. He rose, glass in hand, stepping slightly back from the table so that he had a good view of the faces on both sides, politely turned in his direction. Then, while everyone was gathering themselves to stand to join the toast, he said mentally as loud as he could: GOTCHA!

Down the table – and it was only then that Thian realized the man had never sat close to him – Lieutenant Sedallia doubled up, slamming his face against the table edge, hands to his skull.

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`Oh, do something about the wretched man, Flk Damia said and, with the startling speed which `Dinis could show on occasion, FIk and Trp moved to bracket the lieutenant. Smoothly, they lifted him from his seat and as smoothly, carried him from the wardroom. `I do believe he’s had a seizure,’ she said to Commander Exeter who excused himself immediately and followed.

Captain Ashiant frowned, looking at her composed expression and then at Thian.

I never once suspected Sedallia, Mother, Thian said, shaken by the surprise.

He’s an inhibited Talent from what I could probe.

Ugh! I didn’t care to go very deeply. Get the toast over with.

Everyone’s waiting and it’s the best wine Afra could get for us on short notice`I guess Lieutenant Sedallia will be sorry to see me go, gentlemen and ladies,’ Thian began and saw expressions that suggested Sedallia’s departure had caused the mildest ripple of surprise and no curiosity.

Thian, you’re as cool as your father! And no, no-one thinks anything of it. The man was just taken ill and decorously removed. We can explain to the captain later. His mother’s comment almost rattled him but he went on.

`For I must leave the Vadim tomorrow-‘ His announcement provoked murmurs of genuine regret, though some were tinged with envy. `-to serve on board the Mrdini vessel, the KLTL.’ That produced more reactions and surprise exclamations. `I did, after all, sign on as a civilian-‘ and the reaction to that made him grin, `-Prime to assist a search for the Hive Home System. My `Dini colleagues say we have not ended that search-‘ `They’re nuts,’ Kiely said stoutly, glowering at Thian.

`A waste of time!’ `Your Talents are needed elsewhere, Lyon!’ `Stay with us! We need you, too.’ `Captain Ashiant … I protest.

when Thian raised his hand for silence, it was politely restored.

`You all must know by now that my family is deeply involved with our Mrdini allies.

I know that those on board the KLTL would suffer considerable hardship and loss if an FT&T Prime does not accompany them. Look at it this way, mates, I finally learned human naval customs: now I’ve got to learn `Dini ones!’ That brought a sprinkle of chuckles. `I shall miss you. I’ve learned more these last few months than stevedoring and I’m grateful for your patience and your understanding. Good luck and a safe journey back.’ Then he raised his glass, surveyed the messroom and knocked back the last of his drink.

He sat down to raucous cheers and banging of cutlery on glasses and the mess’ good porcelain.

`Now hear this,’ and the captain’s stentorian voice could have been heard from stem to stern with no amplification. `I think I speak for the entire crew, Mr Lyon, when I say that it has been a pleasure to have you on board and it is our right to wish you good luck and a safe, and speedy, journey home, lad!’ `And so say all of us,’ Kiely leaped to his feet, glass in hand and all in the messroom were not a second ZO4

behind in joining him as Kiely led the traditional three cheers for Thian, a jolly good fellow!

Your father and I are very proud of you, Th ian!

his mother said. Your grandfather and grandmother have decided that you are eminently worthy of being in the Clan Gwyn-Raven!

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