Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

`Captain Spktm says it’s bigger than any they’ve encountered, with certain design features that are new and it’s very glad the vessel’s non-functional,’ Thian reported to the specialists assembled in the ready room.

`Measurements indicate it’s a third again as large as previously encountered vessels,’ Commander Vandermeer said. `A small planet!’ `Readings indicate the ship was bombarded with intense heat. Radiation is still present as well as some very odd traces of other elements that are being spectra-analysed. There’s no known weapon that devastating, or one that could have left such traces.’ `Something blew two-thirds of that ship to hell in gone.’ Then Vandermeer shrugged. `And it’s nothing the `Dinis have ever encountered. Nor us.’ `I’d hate to meet what has that kind of fire-power,’ Ashiant said.

`That’s precisely Captain Spktm’s sentiment,’ Thian reported and then grinned. `It would like whoever it was to be on our side.’ Ashiant laughed out loud and there were other smiles about the table.

`I didn’t know the wee …

ahem … our allies had a sense of humour.’ `They do, sir, believe me!’ Ashiant steepled his fingers, rubbing the end of his nose, before he laced his fingers together and leaned forward on his elbows.

`Gentlemen, this artefact requires our earnest investigation.

First time there’ve been big enough pieces to work with, I understand.’ He cast a sly sideways glance at Thian, quirking one of his eloquent eyebrows. `Do our allies agree?’ He turned to Thian.

`Indeed, sir, they’re forming a volunteer squad to investigate.

Do we wish to send representatives?’ Several hands immediately went up.

`Thank you, gentlemen. I will want volunteers from communications, engineering, mechanical, security. Mr Lyon has to be included as interpreter.

Vandermeer cleared her throat. `Sir, I believe that won’t be necessary now.’ `Yes, Ailsah, I know you’ve become quite fluent in `Dini but Mr Lyon goes in several capacities. How soon are the `Dinis assembling, mister?’ Thian queried Spktm. `Right now. They’re asking for a pre-boarding conference with our teams.

They are appointing fifteen specialists from each of their ships: we should supply as many from ours.

This will be a big undertaking.’ `It’s also an immense ship, even with two-thirds of it blown away,’ Ashiant interposed.

`Captain Spktm strongly recommends that we halt at forty spatials to be sure there is no reaction to our presence.’ `That’s well beyond maximum Hive weapon range,’ Ashiant said, surprised.

`Beyond range of known Hive weapons. Captain Spktm reminds you that this is a new, unknown design.’ `But it’s dead.

`Captain Spktm may be overcautious, sir, but…’ Thian wasn’t sure how to phrase the exact wording of the `Dini’s statement.

`Yes, yes, I appreciate that this is an unknown quantity but the probe read no life signs and no viable life-support systems working.’ `As far as the probe could tell.’ Thian kept his voice neutral, being merely an intermediary but he could sense that Spktm’s cautionaries were not being well received by the Vadim’s officers.

`Since Captain Spktm is around to caution us, we will not be rash,’ Ashiant said before turning to the security officer. `Strange that they’re so cautious on an approach course when they’re quite willing to suicide to destroy a Hiver. whatever!

Commander Vandermeer, you’ll lead the human contingent. Pick a boarding party of fifteen, with all necessary specialists represented.

Declan, get me channels through to Captain Smelkoff, Sutra and Chesemen. They’re to send teams, too. We won’t be close enough to launch the shuttles for another six hours even at our present speed.

That gives us plenty of time for. an interspecies, intership conference.

`Indeed, sir,’ Vandermeer said, well pleased with her assignment but, as her glance slid over him, he caught a brief flare of resentment from the woman.

However, it didn’t have the tone of Malice: she simply did not like having to be responsible for a civilian.

Briskly she gave orders, picking from the Va dim’s crew and then accessing the other ships to discover whom they were sending.

Thian had to sit heavily on an increasing excitement as he listened to Vandermeer with growing respect. She ordered the big shuttle to be ready for launch in six hours. Full radiation suits must be put on board, full medical and emergency packs. From communications, she wanted additional printout of all the probe’s data for the briefing. All officers were to be armed with the new stunners, developed from the one hand-weapon the `Dinis had found effective against Hive drone warriors. The boarding party was to join her in shuttle bay in exactly one hour from now, ready to go.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne