Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

`You will memorize the contents, and then forget them until you are required to implement the orders.’ Ashiant rose to pace the long side of his ready room. `I intend to commit the Vadim as thoroughly as our Mrdini allies will commit their ships.

In the event the Vadim is committed past the point of return and orders are given to abandon ship…’ Thian held his breath, fear trickling down his arms and legs at such a contingency, `. you will ensure that the nine people on that pencil file are `ported to safety.

And that you,’ Ashiant swung about to point his forefinger at Thian, `leave with them. Are you clear on that point?’ `Yes, sir.’ `How many of the Talents on board have you contacted?’ `Only six so far.

`Well, do what is necessary so that, in the event the generators can’t assist you, you can effect the removal of the persons in your orders. They do not have the option of remaining. Are you clear on that?’ `Yes, sir.’ `Are nine too many for you to cope with?’ `No, sir.’ `We’ll be holding pod drills frequently over the next few days so you’re to familiarize yourself with the equipment and those in your pod. Each lifeboat has an engine as well as the initial break-away thruster. I’m not certain how much power that will give you, which is why you must use the other Talents as boosters. If the order to abandon ship is given, you are first-‘ and again the index finger jabbed in his direction, `-to get in your own escape pod, then make sure that the others get in, too. If the worst possible circumstances ensue, and you are the only survivor, you leave! You cannot be jeopardized.’ `Because I’m a civilian?’ Thian asked, indignant with hurt pride even as he recognized that to be an immature reaction.

`No, sorry sir, because you’re a Prime … and because you’ll have had access to most of the information other captains and experts would need to combat the next Hive ship we encounter.’ Ashiant waited a full beat and then added with a rueful smile, `You’re much more valuable alive, young Lyon. Before that blip appeared on our screens, this was not a dangerous assignment. It is now and you are not to be endangered. Do I make myself clear?’ `Crystal clear, sir’ `Good lad,’ and the captain gave Thian an approving thump on his shoulder. That comradely gesture reduced the resentment he’d been feeling.

`Now, implement your orders, Lyon.’ The orders were signed by the High Council Coordinator and, although several of the names surprised Thian, he had them memorized long before the pencil file disintegrated.

As he made necessary, but discreet, contact with the other Talents, he also began to meet some odd resistance and reactions from crew members, men and women who had been at least polite to him. He found the answer to that hostility from Gravy. They’d met from time to time in the officers’ mess and in the corridors, but he hadn’t been able to find a time when they were both off-shift and he could outline what might be expected of her as a Talent. But it had become necessary for him to seek her out and he found her alone in the gym, working out on the rowing apparatus.

`I’m glad to see you, too, Thian,’ she said, mopping her brow and resting her arms on the oars.

`I’ve heard some spaceflot that I don’t really want to report to the captain. ` She cocked her head 15z at him and he sensed her hesitation. `You know I’ve got a little Talent?’ `Yes,’ he said, sliding on to the apparatus next to her, `in fact, I’m glad I’ve a chance to talk to you because I’m sup, posed to touch bases with all Talents on the ship.

`Hmmm, in case of emergency, yes, I sort of figured you’d get around to me on that score,’ she said equably. `I’m not sure what good I’ll be. I’m only an empath…

Thian grinned at her. `Don’t knock it, Gravy.

Only an em pa th is much more helpful than only a receiving or sending `path.’ `But what good would I be?’ `It’s like this, Gravy,’ and he found himself more easy with her than with anyone else on the Vadim, the very reason why her empathy was so valuable, especially as a nurse. `Should an emergency arise when I’d have to tap into all the Talent on board, your empathic strength is added to the pool. You’re down as a T-5 which is the highest, bar me, on the Vadim. You’d be more help than you might realize. Now, what’s this spaceflot?’ She frowned. `It’s talk but it’s nothing.. . good.’ Thian wondered if Malice was showing his hand.

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