Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part two

`But Jeff Raven assured me that you’ve had excellent training and sufficient solo operations to handle your various duties. After today’s exhibition, I think you do, too.’ Astounded, Thian stared back at the captain.

`Now, what’s this about air purification? We’ve been sucking this smog so long we don’t smell it any more, even if half the t8me we can almost chew it.

Small wonder your `Dini couldn’t breathe.’ Still stroking Tab, Thian hitched himself more upright in the chair and began to explain about the `Dini vegetation used to purify the air on their long voyage ships. Although human life-support systems were more than adequate for the usual duration of voyages, even those not assisted by Talent thrusts, this long cruise had obviously taxed the system.

`Now I understand,’ Ashiant said, leaning back and swivelling idly in his chair. `The KLTL `Dini offered me some plants after our last conference.

Didn’t realize how significant that offer was.’ `How would you know? You didn’t, by any chance, dream about plants the next couple of nights?’ Ashiant stared at him, his brows nearly meeting over the bridge of his fleshy nose. `I did! Thought it odd because I dreamed there were these big leaved pots all over the ship, and everyone was smiling like loons.’ Thian grinned. `You did know that `Dinis use dreams as communications?’ `Yes, I’d heard that, but dreaming plants?

C’mon now, Prime, that’s too exotic for this mother’s son.’ `I also interpret `Dini dreams – if you get any more, sir. Strictly top secret,’ Thian said, hoping he hadn’t misjudged the captain’s humour.

He hadn’t, for Ashiant roared with laughter.

`Never thought I’d have a `Dini dream. Not that sort of temperament.’ `Temperament has little to do with receipt of `Dini dreams, sir. You learn to respect repetitions because that’s what they want you to ask about.’ `Oh, do they so? Hmmm.’ The upshot of that interview was that Thian made a second contact with the KLTL, conversing this time with their life-support systems officer and discovering that yes, there were available sgit plant shoots that could be spared and possibly more from their sister ship in the squadron, the KLTS. An improvement would not be immediately noticeable, depending on how long the over-use of the oxygen had been but a gradual betterment would occur.

Sgit plants grew rapidly and had to be constantly separated, which was all to the good for an air improvement system. If there were sufficient shoots, pots of them could also be put in cabins or larger facilities to assist local improvements. Leaves and stalks of young plants were edible.

`Some of their vegetables are quite tasty, Captain,’ ii8

Thian ventured and then grinned at his expression.

`I only eat enough greens to keep balance,’ Ashiant said and then, after a pause, added, `but I think I’d be willing to try them. For good will, you know. Ha! Glad you’re aboard, Prime. You’ll sort out a lot of this sort of misunderstanding. And I think I’ll do some discreet enquiring and find out if any officers or ratings have had odd dreams.

I’ll tell Exeter – you’ve met him – in case he’s had incidents reported to him.’ Then he took Thian to the bridge to introduce him to those on duty. If the bridge crew had any private thoughts about the congenial attitude of their captain for the newest arrival, they kept so tight a lid on them that Thian couldn’t sense a thing. Thian was invited to the captain’s mess at 2000 hours and provided with an escort – until he learned his way about the ship – to return him to his cabin.

Wearier than he had ever been before – even after helping his parents push big-daddies – Thian was grateful to close the panel on his tiny cabin. Dad had warned him that it would be different working totally on his own. Thian had been dismissive then, but now, with no other Talent as back-up, it was different. Slumping down on the bunk, he had only to extend his hand to the terminal and contact sickbay.

`He’s fine, the medic said. `No, it’s fine. Read somewhere that these creatures don’t have any sex.’ `They do but they don’t discuss that aspect of their biology. In `Dini culture, “It” is always preferable to either gender designation, Doctor.

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