Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part two

`All the old military commanders say it’s wrong to have too long a supply line,’ Thian said when the subject of Tower augmentations came up.

`This is the twenty-four century, Thian,’ Roddie said, dismissing that concern. `We have skills and abilities those ancients never thought of. And,’ he added pompously, `we haven’t had a land-war in generations.

`Thian’s point is well taken,’ Afra said at his most mild and Roddie flushed, hearing the subtle rebuke. `Neither spdes has explored the areas through which they’ve been passing. There’ve been no yellow stars, which are systems the Hivers seek, or where our folk could land and replenish supplies from natural materials. Naval hydroponics can only supply so much to augment frozen, dried and canned comestibles.

Water’s been recycled far too often for it to be potable. That’s actually the main problem, though fuel supplies are also dwindling and must be replenished.’ `Ice planet? Ice asteroids?’ Roddie suggested.

`Requires detours from the course into a system with an expense of fuel that might not be justified by results,’ Afra said. Roddie’s face fell. `But it is an alternative that’s being considered.

`But that’s not a viable one, is it?’ Thian said thoughtfully.

`If yellow stars generate the kind of planets that the Hive wants and that we’d need to find drinkable water. There’d be the possibility of a confrontation.’ Afra nodded solemnly and Thian sighed at the complexity of it all.

`We’ll think of something,’ Roddie said proudly.

`The `Dinis might beat us to it,’ and Laria’s grin was mischievous. `They’re very clever.

Roddie decided he had other things to do than argue with cousins.

`Is it being a Denebian that makes him like that, or being just a T-3?’ Laria asked her brother in a low voice.

`Deneb does inculcate certain characteristics in its children,’ Afra said, rising, `just as Aurigae instils others, not necessarily exemplary ones, in hers!’ `Whooops!’ Laria said, grinning at the subtle rebuke. `A few years in a Tower and he’ll probably turn into a quite bearable young man.’ At that both her father and brother laughed and moved off to mingle with other guests.

Several days later, Damia and Afra sent Thian a telepathic call to join them in the Tower room.

Family matters were generally dealt with in the house, so Thian was instantly aware that this was an unusual summons. With some trepidation and a quick inventory of recent misdemeanours, Thian `ported himself the short distance into the upper Chamber where his parents conducted all FT&T business.

He didn’t dare probe his own parents but he could, and did, establish their mental tone: Damia was sad and worried, and his father seemed coloured by regret and reluctance but was also containing pride, being more apprehensive than worried.

`Thian, his mother began, pausing to fingercomb over her shoulder the silver tress that even her son knew misbehaved when she was upset, `we’ve had a request… ` She glanced for assistance to Afra.

`Jeff Raven makes few,’ Afra said, `and it is only a request which we three can examine, forget or accept, as we decide.’ 8o 8i Thian mastered the impatience with this round-about talk and waited. He couldn’t even catch a hint of what this request was about.

`What does my grandfather want?’ Thian said, rather pleased with his adroit phrasing. It might generate the sort of response he wanted.

It did.

`Earth Prime,’ and his mother corrected him firmly, `requires a T-1 to accompany the reinforcements to the rendezvous.’ `Wow! I was right about supply lines, wasn’t I, Dad!’ What are you talking about, Thian? Damia asked, sharp with worries she tried to hide.

He made a point the other day and it’s come to roost on his own shoulders, his father said, grinning.

Going to honour it?

`You mean, Granddad’s really considering me?’ Thian couldn’t believe his great good luck. Wait’ll he told Roddie. His silly coz would be mouldy with envy.

That remark doesn’t become you, Afra said in a very tight voice and Thian shook himself, sharpening his attention to the matter in hand. That’s better.

`You know how few T-1s there are ` Damia began, fiddling with the curl on the end of her silver tress which had found its way back over her shoulder. That automatic gesture reminded Thian that he often fiddled with the silver streak that was a genetic legacy from his mother. Even the baby Petra had a tuft of silver hairs at the temple, the cause of some amusement in the Denebian side of the family.

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