DARK DESTINY By Christine Feehan

This woman knew more than any human should. She knew things that could get her killed.

“I’m no threat to you,” Mary Ann said softly. Nicolae’s face was a mask. Unreadable. Handsome and compelling. Dangerous. Instinctively she knew he was the same as Destiny, not quite human. “I want to help her. She saved my life twice.”

“She has survived things so hideous you cannot even conceive of them. Why would you presume to think you can help her?”

Although his words were spoken in a low, beautiful timbre, something in that perfect tone made her shiver with apprehension. She was conversing with a powerful being, something she knew nothing of. Someone who made life-and-death decisions over others every day of his life. MaryAnn felt the impact of each of his words. She lifted her chin. “Because she chose me.”

Nicolae studied her face for a long time. She had the feeling he was examining much more than her features. For one horrible moment she felt him moving in her mind. He didn’t bother to hide it from her, deliberately showing her his power, a not-so-subtle threat. A warning. Whatever he found must have satisfied him, because he withdrew from her mind, leaving her memories still intact.

“Do you have any idea what you are asking?” Nicolae demanded in a low, compelling voice. “You must be very certain this is what you want. You know what I am. You know what she is. And you have an inkling of the demon we hunt. There is one in this city—at least one, maybe more. He is out there now, killing the innocent. Maybe hunting a small female child with the amazing gifts Destiny has. The knowledge of our existence that you have right now constitutes a danger to all immortals, whether they are vampire or hunter. It is allowed only in rare instances.”

MaryAnn followed Nicolae across the room to a secluded table away from the crowds, knowing that whatever she said to him now would decide her fate. She thought of Destiny’s eyes. Troubled. Filled with shadows and sorrows. “I can’t leave her to suffer. She won’t find her way back, Nicolae. I know she won’t. You think you’ll be able to reach her, and you might on some level, but it won’t be enough. She’s suffered a terrible trauma. That won’t just go away because you will it to do so.”

“You are risking your life.” He wanted her to know the truth. “Destiny would not want you to risk your life for her.” He pulled out a chair, stood courteously while MaryAnn slipped onto the seat. As he sat down across from her he waved off the waitress. “Think very carefully before you speak. I can remove your memories of all of this. Of Destiny. Of me. Of the creature that wanted to kill you. All of it. You will never worry about Destiny, because you will not remember that she exists.”

“I don’t want that.” MaryAnn shook her head adamantly. “She’s important to me, and I think I’m important to her.” She leaned across the table toward him. “I can handle this. I really can. I’m afraid. I’d be silly not to be afraid, but you don’t know what she did for me. Twice. She saved my life twice. She’s given the sanctuary so much money, money we desperately needed to expand and to make sure the women had counseling and job opportunities. Destiny did that. She deserves a chance, too.”

“MaryAnn—” His voice washed over her. Gentle. Compelling. “I will take care of Destiny. I give you my word of honor.”

“I honestly don’t think she will get better. I think she’ll try, but you won’t be able to help her overcome what’s happened to her.”

“I lived through it with her.”

“I know,” she said quietly. “I see the same things in your eyes that I see in hers.”

“I understand her, understand what she needs. And we are meant to be together. Two halves of the same whole.”

“She isn’t whole, Nicolae; she’s fragmented and lost. She can’t go into a relationship that way and have it work. I think you know that or you wouldn’t be talking with me. You would have already removed my memories.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan