Dark Dream. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 7

Sara nodded her acceptance of that even as her mind turned over his use of the word prey. She had lived in the shadows of the Carpathian world for fifteen years. His words weren’t a shock to her. She drew Falcon toward the small bathroom where she had a first aid kit. He went with her because he could feel her need to take care of him. And he liked the feel of her hands on him.

“I can’t possibly make a decision like this in one night, Falcon,” she said as she ran hot water onto a clean cloth. “I have things I have to finish and I’ll need to think about this.” She didn’t need to think too long or too hard. She wanted him with every fiber of her being. She had already learned in the short time while he was off chasing her enemy what it would be like to be without him.

Sara leaned into him and kissed his throat. “What else?” Her full breasts brushed against his arm, warm, inviting. Very gently she dabbed at the lacerations on his temple, wiping away the blood. The wounds on his chest were deeper. It looked as if an animal had raked claws over his chest, ripping his shirt and scoring four long furrows in the skin.

“I came very close to losing my control this night. I need to complete the ritual so we are one and you are my anchor, Sara. You felt it; you sensed the danger to me and called me back to you. Once the ritual is complete, that danger would no longer exist.” He made the confession in a low voice, his overwhelming need evident in his husky tone. He couldn’t think straight when she was so close to him, the roar in his head drowning out everything but the needs of his body.

Sara caught his face in her hands. “That’s it? That’s the big confession?” Her smile was slow and beautiful, lighting her eyes to a deep violet. “I want you more than anything on this earth.” She bent her head and took possession of his mouth, pressing her body close to his, her rain-wet silken tank top nearly nonexistent, her breasts thrusting against him, aching with need. A temptation. An enticement. There was hunger in her kiss, acceptance, excitement. Her mouth was hot with her own desire, meeting the demands of his. Raw. Earthy. Real.

She lifted her head, her gaze burning into his. “I have been yours for the last fifteen years. If you want me, Falcon, I’m not afraid. I’ve never really been afraid of you.” Her hands pushed aside his torn shirt, exposing his chest and the four long wounds.

“You have to understand what kind of commitment you are making, Sara,” he cautioned. He needed her. Wanted her. Hungered for her. But he would not lose his honor with the most important person in his life. “Once the ritual is complete, if you are not with me below the ground while I sleep, you will fight a terrible battle for your sanity. I do not wish this for you.”

* * *

Chapter Five

Sara blinked, drawing attention to her long lashes. Her gaze was steady. “Neither do I, Falcon”—her voice was a seductive invitation—”but I’d much rather fight my battles briefly than lose you. I’m strong. Believe in me.” She bent her head, pressed a kiss into his shoulder, his throat. “You aren’t taking anything I’m not willing to give.”

How could she tell him, explain to him that he had been her only salvation all those long, endless nights when she’d hated herself, hated that she was alive and her family dead? How could she tell him he had saved her sanity, not once, but over and over? All those long years of holding his words close to her, locked in her heart, her soul. She knew she belonged with Falcon. She knew it in spite of what he was. She didn’t care that he was different, that his way of surviving was different. She only cared that he was real, alive, standing in front of her with his soul in his eyes. Sara smiled at him, a sweet, provocative invitation, and simply drew her tank top over her head so that he could see her body, the full, lush curves, the darker peaks. Sara dropped the sodden tank top in a little heap on top of his shirt. She tilted her chin, trying to be brave, but he could see the slight trembling of her body. She had never done such an outrageous thing in her life.

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Categories: Christine Feehan