Dark Fire by Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 6

“If he designed this particular security system,” Cullen said with a certain degree of admiration and awe, “I believe you.”

“Is it letting up?” she asked hopefully. She didn’t want to leave the sports car where someone might find it and give away their location, and it was too hot to drive him to camp and walk back to retrieve the car.

“Enough that I know I’m not having a heart attack. I can follow you. Just get us out of this as fast as you can,” he pleaded.

Tempest patted his shoulder and slid out of his vehicle and back into hers. They made good time weaving in and out of the trails, Cullen practically tailgating her.

The camp appeared deserted when they arrived. Tempest knew the band and Darius were sleeping somewhere in safety. The cats, scenting a stranger, immediately started roaring their opposition to such an invasion. Cullen refused to get out of his car, hearing what sounded like a den of leopards, hungry and determined to have him for lunch. Tempest spent a few minutes silencing the cats, exasperated that Darius had chosen that moment to bow out and leave her on her own.

“Where is everyone?” Cullen demanded, finally emerging from his car and gingerly looking around the deserted camp. He followed Tempest to the truck.

“Darius is somewhere in the woods. He likes to string a hammock between two trees far away from all of us and have what he affectionately refers to as his quiet time.”

Very funny, honey. You are the worst liar I have ever met. And stop touching that man. If I get any more jealous, I will be the one to have the heart attack.

Go back to sleep. You’re annoying me, Tempest said severely. She smiled sweetly at Cullen. “He’s so moody, you know.”

“And Desari? Where is she?” He glanced uneasily at the motor home.

Tempest caught his look and burst out laughing. “She’s in a coffin in the bus. Would you like to see? I can let the cats out while you take a look around.”

Cullen looked sheepish. “I guess I am being pretty silly. But those cats are another reason Desari was marked by the society.” He absently handed Tempest a tool she pointed at. “Vampires supposedly have some animal from hell looking after them in the daytime. Those cats fit the description.”

Tempest laughed with him. “Actually, the bus is empty except for the cats. I use it more than the others. They’re up a great deal at night, either rehearsing or performing or driving to their next destination. I take care of the vehicles, so I go to town and do the shopping and take care of business. Desari and Julian are probably up already,” she improvised. “They like to hike. Personally, I think that’s their excuse to make eyes at each other with no one around.”

“Julian Savage? He’s high on the society’s hit list. He has quite a reputation. Some of them think he’s the reason Desari escaped the hit,” Cullen confessed.

Tempest banged her knuckles, muttered a few choice words, and bent back to her task. “The way I heard it, he did save her life.”

“Did he kill the entire squad?” Cullen asked, curious.

“I don’t know. I never even knew they were dead. I rarely read the newspapers.” She said it almost absently, as if she were barely listening.

“I don’t think it was Julian,” Cullen said carefully, watching her closely. “I think the bodyguard killed them.”

She not only banged her knuckles this time but her forehead as well. She turned to glare at him. “I have work to do. Get out of my hair for a while, will you? Go check the woods for the band. Dayan has one of those little tent things. Don’t wake him up if he’s sleeping, though; he’s a grouch if you disturb him before he gets his eight hours. Syndil could be in the bus with the cats if you want to look,” she offered, knowing full well he wouldn’t take her up on it.

Cullen shook his head. “That won’t be necessary. I don’t want to get anyone riled up. I’ll just look things over to see if I can figure a way to tighten security around here.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan