Dark Gold. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 3

Because she was so aware of him moving easily beside her, she did what he said, wanting to avoid thinking about him and the strange power he seemed to hold over her. The stars were a brilliant blanket above them. She took a deep breath, inhaling the salt breeze coming off the ocean.

Behind them was the thick grove of trees growing along the hillside, in front of them, the bluff overlooking the ocean. The street wound its way up the hill; the houses dotted here and there along its path were large, yet blended in well with their surroundings. The city lights rivaled the stars, an iridescent pattern that went on for miles. The view was breathtaking.

Aidan moved closer to her, just a shifting of muscles really, but she felt the warmth of his body. Liquid heat unexpectedly pooled deep in her lower abdomen. Her heart beat faster. Fascination. He fascinated her. Captivated her. Casually she inched away to put a little space between them. He glided rather than walked, his golden eyes taking in the landscape surrounding them, a slow sweep of his penetrating gaze that missed nothing, including her retreat.

“If you fed properly, Alexandria, there would be no need for you to ever feel as you did around your brother.” He broached the subject impassively, his tone carefully neutral. She felt as if he had punched her in the stomach. “Do we have to talk about it?” To feed. What did that mean, exactly? Not eat, but feed. Her brain shied away from the word and all its connotations.

His hand slipped over her silky hair, following the wild mass down her back to her rounded bottom. The gesture was unbearably tender. Warmth seeped under her skin, and her mouth went dry. His hand accidentally brushed hers. Their fingers tangled, then his closed around hers so that they were linked. “It is best, cara. Your fears are so groundless.”

She took a deep breath, trying to force herself to concentrate on the distasteful subject, but Aidan’s nearness was turning her world upside down. She could feel electricity arcing and crackling between them. The tip of her tongue darted out to moisten her lips. She was acutely aware of his golden gaze following the simple movement, turning it into something erotic.

“What do you suggest? Should I make Thomas Ivan my food supply?” She proposed it flippantly because her throat was raw with fear. “I guess I could always seduce him—that’s what female vampires do in the movies.”

Aidan knew she said it out of fear; he was in her mind. But the image of her body tangled with the software mogul’s was instant and vivid. The warning growl escaped him before he could stop it. White teeth gleamed—a threat. He pushed his free hand through his long, tawny hair. At that moment he was dangerous, and that shocked him. He had never been a real threat to any human unless he chose sides in a war. Humans were something to feed on, to protect, and he seldom got involved in their squabbles. Like all Carpathians, when their land ran with blood and their countries were torn apart, they had utilized their skills to fight. But this was different. This was personal. And Thomas Ivan would never be completely safe again.

Alexandria sensed the change in Aidan immediately. He was fighting something lethal in himself, a private battle with a demon she had no concept of. Her fingers tightened around his. “What is it, Aidan?” she asked softly, concerned.

“Do not even make a joke of such a thing. I doubt Ivan would survive if you seduced him.” He said it starkly, without softening the blow. His voice was velvet soft but dripped menace, far worse than a shout. He brought her knuckles to the warmth of his mouth, lingering over her satin skin. “Ivan does not need to tempt fate by touching you.”

She pulled her hand away, disturbed by the heat in her body, the ache that was becoming an urgent demand. Absently she wiped her palm on her denim-clad thigh to try to erase the sensation of his lips on her skin. “You know, Aidan, half the time I can’t understand a thing you say. Why would Thomas be tempting fate? Are you saying I would kill him?” She tried not to hold her breath, waiting for the answer.

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Categories: Christine Feehan