Dark Reckoning by James Axler

“Stupe things are trying the same trick as the last bunch!” the sergeant growled, ramming in a fresh clip. “You, you and you, form a recce squad. Shoot anything that moves!”

Grim-faced, the blue shirts checked their blasters and walked directly into the smoky, bloody, chaos of the gap, the searchlights casting long shadows before them. Soon there came the chatter of blasterfire, but the anguished screams that followed were from norm throats, not the fanged muties. Then dozens of dark shapes appeared from within the gloom and rushed for the astonished blues.

“Breakthrough!” the sergeant shouted at the top of his lungs, hosing the Kalashnikov wildly as the horde of muties swarmed inside Shiloh ville.

“JUST HAD TO GET the stinking slime off me,” Krysty said, padding barefoot from the steamy shower. Wrapped in a towel, the beautiful redhead walked across the officers’ quarters to the pile of her freshly laundered clothing on a desk.

There was no reply, only a soft snore from Ryan who was sprawled on the bed. A chair had been pulled beside the man, and a cocked blaster rested within easy reach of his outstretched hand.

Patting herself dry, Krysty gazed at Ryan and smiled. He was the only real man she had ever known, and she couldn’t imagine life without him. They were more than merely lovers, they were soul mates, two halves forming a greater whole.

Ryan had taken the opportunity to wash his own clothing along with hers and was stretched naked on the bed, his muscular body covered to the waist by the thin blankets. Scars of a dozen types marred his powerful body the puckered iris of a bullet hole, the zigzag of an arrowhead yanked loose, the smooth slash of a knifeblade and irregular flat areas of white skin, the remnants of fire damage and electrical shocksouvenirs from torture by sec men and barons he later aced.

Although strikingly attractive, Ryan wasn’t handsome. But Krysty had seen handsome before, and it usually masked evil underneath the smooth, easy smile. Ryan was a warrior and a survivor, but more importantly, a man who hadn’t fallen from the grace of Gaia in the gore and fight for their survival. If possible, Ryan would never kill again, but simply live in peace. It was an impossible dream, but she knew he would never stop searching for some small corner of the world to call home, where edible crops grew in clean soil, and people didn’t need to carry blasters every minute of the day and night. Truly an impossible dream, but it was infinitely more than most dared to even hope for.

Dropping the towel, Krysty placed a slim knee on the mattress, and he came awake instantly. There were no jerky movements or gasps of surprise, no outward signs at all that anything had changed. But the woman knew he was fully awake now, had already cataloged they were alone in the officers’ barracks, and was listening to her gentle breathing.

“Tired, lover?” she asked, sliding across the bed-sheet.

Turning over, Ryan glanced at the nude redhead sitting on the edge of the military bed. He recognized the expression in her face, and the way her animated hair was moving slowly about her face. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever been with, and the deadliest. Ryan knew that he more than loved the woman. There were no words that could adequately express what he felt for her, and to try would only be an insult. When something like that occurred, both people simply knew it all the way down to their bones. There were no questions, no rules.

As she crawled toward the supine man, her full breasts swinging from the motion, he immediately began to get hard under the blankets.

“Never that tired,” he answered, pulling the covers away.

The redhead took his cock in both hands and gently stroked until he was fully erect. Rising on an elbow, Ryan reached out for her, but Krysty pushed him down again.

“Me this time,” she said, straddling the man. He could feel the heat of her pussy as she rubbed it against his shaft, the moisture and curly hair an electric combination. Ryan ran his hands freely over her body as the woman rubbed closer and harder against his shaft until deliciously engulfing it. The hot confines of her tight pussy fueled his desire, then her special muscles contracted in a swirling motion about his cock, lifting and caressing as she moved back and forth, up and down, in a passionate rhythm. Only the sound of their breathing filled the room for several minutes.

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