Darkover Landfall by Marion Zimmer Bradley

Captain Leicester made a distinct effort to master himself, but his fury was obvious. He said harshly, “You are suggesting that we abandon the effort–and relapse into barbarism?”

Moray was suddenly very grave. He came forward to the rostrum and stood beside the Captain. His voice was level and calm.

“I hope not, Captain. It is man’s mind that makes him a barbarian, not his technology. We may have to do without top-level technology, at least for a few generations, but that doesn’t mean we can’t establish a good world here for ourselves and our children, a civilized world. There have been civilizations which have existed for centuries almost without technology. The illusion that man’s culture is only the history of his technostructures is propaganda from the engineers, sir. It has no basis in sociology–or in philosophy.”

The Captain said harshly, “I’m not interested in your social theories, Mr. Moray.”

Doctor Di Asturien rose. He said, “Captain, one thing must be taken into account. We made a most disquieting discovery today–”

At that moment a violent clap of thunder rocked the hospital tent. The hastily rigged lights went out And from the door one of the security men shouted:

“Captain! Captain! The woods are on fire!”

Chapter SEVEN

Everyone kept their heads; Captain Leicester bellowed from the ,platform, “Get some lights in here; security, get some lights!” One of the young men on the Medic staff found a handlamp for the Captain and one of the bridge officers shouted, “Everyone! Stay in place and wait for orders, there is no danger here! Get those lights rigged as fast as you can!”

MacAran was near enough to the door to see the distant rising glare against the darkness. In a few minutes lamps were being distributed, and Moray, from the platform, said urgently, “Captain, we have tree-felling and earth-moving equipment. Let me order a detail to work on firebreaks around the encampment.”

“Right, Mr. Moray. Get with it,” Leicester said harshly. “All bridge officers, gather here; get to the ship and secure any flammable or explosive material.” He hurried away toward the back of the tent. Moray ordered all able-bodied men to the clearing, and requisitioned all available handlamps not in use on the bridge. “Form up in the same squads you did for grave digging detail,” he ordered. MacAran found himself in a crew with Father Valentine and eight strangers, felling trees in a ten-foot swath around the clearing. The fire was still a distant roar on a slope miles away, a red glare against the sky, but the air smelled of smoke, with a strange acrid undertone.

Someone said at MacAran’s elbow, “How can the woods catch fire after all this rain?”

He brought back memory of something Marco Zabal had said that first night. “The trees are heavily resined–practically tinder. Some few of them may even burn when they’re wet–we built a campfire of green wood. I suppose lightning can set off a fire at almost any time.” We were lucky, he thought, we camped out in the center of the woods and never thought of fire, or of firebreaks.

“I suspect we’ll need a permanent firebreak around any encampment or work area.”

Father Valentine said, “You sound as if you thought we were going to be here a long time.”

MacAran bent to his saw. He said, not looking up, “No matter whose side you’re on–the Captain’s or Moray’s–it looks as if we’d be here for years.” He was too weary, and too unsure of anything at this moment, to decide for himself if he had any real preference and in any case he was sure no one would consult him about his choice, but down deep he knew that if they ever left this world again he would regret it

Father Valentine touched his shoulder. “I think the Lieutenant is looking for you.”

He straightened to see Camilla Del Rey walking toward him. She looked worn and haggard, her hair uncombed and her uniform dirty. He wanted to take her in his arms but instead he stood and watched her attempt not to meet his eyes as she said, “Rafe, the Captain wants to talk with you. You know the terrain better than anyone else. Do you think it could be fought or contained?”

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