David and Leigh Eddings – Belgarath the Sorcerer

disguises over the years, so I’m in a position to recognize genius when

I see it.

All right. Silk, don’t let it go to your head. I’ll freely admit that

you’re very good, but isn’t that what I hired you for?

“Radek of Boktor” drifted around the snowy streets of Tol Rane, and he

concluded a fair number of business transactions as he went. I stayed

in the background, so I couldn’t actually hear any of the details, but

I get the strong impression that

“Radek” sold a lot of things that he didn’t actually own that day. He

glibly promised delivery, however, and I’d imagine that he probably

made good on most of those promises. Silk isn’t above swindling people

on occasion, but he was still working very hard to establish “Radek’s”


Eventually he worked his way across town to the district where the

Murgos normally stayed, and in the common room of an inn there he got

down to business. After he’d sold some things that he didn’t really

have title to, he made a few discreet inquiries. He was sitting at a

table with three scar-faced Murgos, and he leaned back, idly toying

with his tankard.

“If any of you happen to know a man named Asharak, you might pass the

word along that Radek of Boktor’s got a business proposition for


he declared.

“Why should I go out of my way to make Asharak richer?” one of the

Murgos countered.

“Because Asharak pays good commissions,” Silk replied.

“I’m sure he’ll make it worth your while. The proposition promises to

be very lucrative.”

“If it’s that good, I might be interested myself.”

“I don’t want to insult you, Grachik,” Silk said with a thin smile,

“but you don’t have the resources for this particular transaction. It

involves a commodity, and we all know how expensive commodity

transactions can be.”

“What kind of commodity?”

“I’d prefer to tell Asharak about that privately. Sometimes things

have a way of leaking out, and I have some competitors I’d sort of like

to keep in the dark. If they find out that Radek’s coming into the

market, prices are going to start climbing. That wouldn’t do either me

or Asharak much good.”

“Asharak isn’t here in Tol Rane,” Grachik told him.

“He left for Tol Borune two days ago.”

One of the other Murgos kicked the talkative Grachik under the table.

“Well,” Grachik amended quickly, “that’s what I heard, anyway. With

Asharak, you never really know. He has dealings all over Tolnedra, you

realize. For all I know, he could be in Tol Horb by now.” It was

pitifully transparent. Grachik had let something slip that he was

supposed to keep to himself.

“Asharak’s an elusive one, all right,” Silk agreed.

“I’ve been trying to track him down for two months now. The

proposition I have in mind is very large, and Asharak’s probably the

only man around who can afford it.

If you happen to know anybody who can get word to him, let him know

that I’ll be going back to Tol Honeth in a day or so. Tell him that I

usually stay in that large inn near the Drasnian embassy, and that if

he wants to double his money, he should look me up. I’m not going to

waste any more of my time looking for him.”

Silk talked with the Murgos for about another half hour, and then he

left. I stayed around long enough to hear the other two Murgos berate

Grachik for his slip of the tongue and long enough to see Grachik try

to cover his blunder by sending a pair of burly hirelings after my

little friend.

The Murgos were obviously willing to go to any lengths to keep

Asharak’s location a secret.

The pair of hired assassins caught up with Silk in a dark, snow-clogged

side street, but Silk clearly knew that he was being followed, and he

seemed to be confident that he could deal with the situation. I wasn’t

all that sure myself, so I stayed close enough to be able to lend a

hand if it became necessary.

It wasn’t. I’ve never seen anyone quite as agile as Silk can be in

tight quarters. The assassins were a pair of knockabout Tolnedran

footpads, and they were no match at all for my little Drasnian friend.

He spun on the two of them, pulled one dagger out of his boot and

another from down the back of his neck, and killed the pair of them in

the space of about six heartbeats. Then he kicked snow over the two

bodies and continued on his way. This boy was good!

I managed to reach our lodgings a couple of minutes before he did, and

I was sitting before the fire when he arrived.

“Well?” I said when he came in.

“Did you find anything?”

“The word I’m getting is that Asharak’s in Tol Borune right now. It’s

probably fairly accurate, because the Murgo who let it slip tried to

cover his mistake by having me waylaid on my way back here. That’s all

the confirmation we really need, isn’t it?”

“Probably so, yes. I guess we’d better go to Tol Borune, then.”

“Tonight, Belgarath. By morning that talkative Murgo’s going to

realize that his hired killers failed, and I don’t want to be looking

back over my shoulder every step of the way. Let’s get a running head

start, if we can.”

It took us about four days to reach Tol Borune, since Silk insisted

that we stay off the main highway. I thought that I knew most of the

country lanes in all the Western Kingdoms, but my sharp-nosed little

companion led me along roads I’d never even seen before. Just outside

Tol Borune, he reined in and changed clothes.

“New identity,” he explained.

“Word’s probably reached Asharak by now that a fellow named Radek is

looking for him.”

“Who are you this time?”

“Ambar of Kotu. Ambar’s a little less conspicuous than Radek, and they

don’t move in the same circles.”

“How many of these mythical Drasnians have you got up your sleeve?”

“I’ve lost count. I’m partial to Radek and Ambar, though. I’ve spent

more time with them, so I know them better. I dust off one of the

others now and then, though–just to keep in practice.”

“Is this what they teach you people at the academy?”

“They bring it up now and then, but I developed most of it on my own

even before I went there. I was born for this work, Belgarath. Shall

we press on?”


“Ambar of Kotu” is a much shabbier-looking fellow than “Radek of

Boktor” is, we took a room in one of the rundown quarters of Tol

Borune, and Silk immediately took to the streets with assorted fictions

to conceal his real purpose. He came back late that night with that

pointed nose twitching.

“Something isn’t right here, Belgarath,” he told me.


“Are you sure that Asharak knows that you’re after him?”

“Oh, yes. I’m like the wrath of God at this point, and he knows that

I’ll hunt him down, no matter where he tries to hide.”

“Then why isn’t he hiding? I located him in about two hours. I’m

good, but I don’t think I’m that good.”

I gave him a sharp look.

“Maybe we’d better go have a look at this fellow,” I said.

“I think I know you well enough by now to trust your instincts. If

you’re getting a whiff of something that doesn’t smell right, we’d

probably better investigate.”

He bowed with outrageous flamboyance.

“I live but to serve. Ancient One,” he told me.

It was nearly midnight, and a raw wind was blowing through the deserted

streets of Tol Borune as we went to the southern end of town where the

Murgos usually gathered. Silk led me to a blocky sort of inn, and then

we crept around to a bleary window made of cheap glass.

“That’s the one they tell me is Asharak the Murgo,” the little thief

whispered, pointing at a scar-faced fellow sitting back in a corner.

The man looked like Chamdar, and I’ll concede that the resemblance was

almost uncanny, but when I sent out a carefully probing thought to make

sure, my heart sank. The Murgo sitting in that corner was not Chamdar.

I started to swear.

“What’s the matter?” Silk whispered.

“That man’s not the one I’m looking for.”

“Belgarath, there are people in this town who know him, and they’re all

convinced that he’s Asharak the Murgo.”

“I’m sorry about that, but they’re wrong. We’ve been chasing an

imposter.” I swore some more.

“We’d better get back to Tol Honeth. I want to fill Javelin in on

this. The man everybody’s been watching isn’t Chamdar.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Chamdar’s a Grolim. That fellow at the table’s just an ordinary

Murgo. The resemblance is very close, but that fellow’s not the one we

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Categories: Eddings, David