David Gemmell. The Hawk Enternal

‘Your land,’ said Gaelen at last, ‘has been overrun by an enemy. Your people are sundered and preparing to fight alongside the Farlain in a last desperate battle for survival. If they lose, we lose. Everything. And yet here you are debating a point of no importance. Now I will say this only once: I lead because I was chosen to lead. There is no more to discuss. Either draw your sword or obey me.’

‘Very well,’ said Telor. ‘I will follow you north, but once the battle is sighted I will lead the Pallides.’

‘No,’ said Gaelen.

The man’s sword hissed from his scabbard. Then fight me, Farlain.’

The onlookers backed away, forming a circle around the two men.

‘I do not desire to kill you,’ said Gaelen hopelessly.

Then I lead.’

‘No,’ said Gaelen softly, drawing his sword. ‘You die.’

“Wait!* shouted Lara, stepping forward with hands on hips. ‘It is well-known that the Farlain are arrogant numbskulls, and that the Pallides have too long interbred with their cattle, but this is sheer stupidity. If you must fight, then fight, but let it be clear that if Gaelen conquers then he leads ALL.’

‘What if Telor wins?’ asked a young Pallides warrior.

‘Then he leads the Pallides alone,’ said Lara. ‘I’ll not follow a man with the brain of a turnip.’

‘You miserable Haesten bitch,’ snapped Telor. ‘You seek to rob the contest of any merit.’

‘It has no merit,’ said Gaelen. Thousands of clansmen and their wives lie butchered by invaders, and you seek to add more clan blood to the soil.’

Telor gave a harsh laugh. ‘Frightened, are you, Farlain?’

Gaelen shook his head. ‘Terrified,’ he said, dropping his sword and stepping forward, his forehead thundering against Telor’s nose. The Pallides warrior staggered back, blood drenching his yellow beard, as Gaelen moved in with a left cross exploding against Telor’s unprotected chin. The Pallides warrior pitched to his left, hitting the ground hard. Gaelen rolled the man to his back and drew his hunting-knife, touching the point to Telor’s throat. ‘Make a choice, live or die,’ he said coldly.

Telor lay very still. ‘Live,’ he whispered.

The first wise choice you’ve made,’ said Gaelen. Rising, he gripped the man’s right arm, hauling him to his feet. Telor staggered, but remained upright, blood dripping from his ruined nose. ‘Now, pick twenty Pallides to follow Agwaine and Onic. I want scouts east and west of us. Then you go, with three of your choosing, to the north to make sure our route is clear. Is that understood?’

Telor nodded.

Turning on his heel Gaelen set off, and the small army followed him. Lara moved up alongside him, grinning. That was close,’ she said.

‘Yes. Thank you for your help; it took away his concentration.’

‘It was nothing. I didn’t want Telor to cut your ears off; he’s second only to Intosh with a blade.’

Then I thank you again – with even more feeling.’

‘Are you a good swordsman?’

‘I’ve recently learned to tell the point from the hilt.’

‘No, truly?’

‘I am as good as most men.’

‘Have you killed any Aenir?’


‘How many?’

‘Gods, woman! What does it matter?”

‘I like to know who I am following.’

‘I’ve killed five and wounded another.”

‘Five? That’s not bad. Hand to hand, or with the bow?”

‘Hand to hand. The wounded man I hit with an arrow.”

‘Marksmanship’s not your strong point, then?”

‘No. And you?’

‘What about me?”

‘Well, we seem to be talking about numbers killed, so I am asking you the same question.”

‘I see. Why?’

‘Because I like to know the calibre of my followers,’ said Gaelen, grinning.

‘I haven’t killed any. But I will.’

‘I don’t doubt it.”

‘Do you have a woman?” she asked suddenly.



‘She refused me.”

‘I see,” said Lara.

What do you see?”

‘I see why you are so nervous around women.”

‘I am not nervous around women, I am nervous with you,’ he said.

Why is that?”

Gaelen was growing hot and beginning to feel like a hunted rabbit.

‘Well?’she pressed.

‘I have no idea, and I don’t wish to discuss it,’ he said primly. She laughed then, the sound deep and throaty, which only added to his discomfort.

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Categories: David Gemmell