David Gemmell. Winter Warriors

Bison tossed his reins to Kebra and strode to where Dagorian stood at the rear of the wagon. ‘Get back in the driver’s seat,’ said the giant,’ and give them a lash when I call.’

‘It won’t move,’ said Dagorian.

‘Riders!’ yelled Conalin.

The warriors of the Krayakin breasted the slope, and, swords drawn, rode for the bridge. Dagorian scrambled up to the wagon. Bison grabbed the wheel. ‘Now!’ he shouted. The giant heaved, and the wagon rose. At the same time Dagorian lashed the reins across the backs of the team. The wagon lurched forward. Bison was hurled from his feet, but rolled clear of the iron shod wheel.

Dagorian lashed the backs of the team and the wagon picked up speed. Nogusta and Kebra came running behind.

The child Sufia climbed into the wagon as it reached the bank. In a high-pitched voice she chanted something in an alien tongue.

The Krayakin had reached the bridge, and two of them set off across it.


A ball of flame flew from Sufia’s hand, striking the bridge. A column of fire reared up, and the bridge began to blaze. One of the Krayakin backed his horse to safety, but the second spurred his mount, riding through the blaze. Bison ran at the charging horse, waving his arms and shouting at the top of his voice. The beast reared. Bison hurled himself forward, ducking under the flailing hoofs. Throwing up his arms Bison clamped his hands to the horse’s chest and pushed with all his strength. The horse toppled back hurling its rider into the flames. The boards gave way. Horse and warrior crashed through to the roiling river below. Fingers of fire swept along the boards. Bison’s leggings caught alight. Spinning on his heel the giant ran, panic stricken, to the bank. Nogusta and Kebra leapt upon him, hurling him to the ground. They tried to beat out the flames on Bison’s burning clothing, but to no avail. Then Sufia stepped forward and held out her hand. The fire leapt from Bison to the child’s waiting fingers, where it vanished. Bison tore off his leggings. His flesh was badly burned on the left thigh. Sufia moved to him, dropping to her knees. Her tiny hand reached out. Bison winced as her fingers touched the blistered flesh of his thigh. Then, as if a cool breeze was whispering over the burn, all pain ceased. She lifted her hand. The burn was gone.

‘Such small magick is still left to me,’ said the voice of Kalizkan. The body of the child settled down against Bison, her blond head resting on his chest. ‘Let her sleep,’ said Kalizkan. Bison carefully lifted the sleeping child and carried her to the wagon, where he laid her down and covered her with a blanket.

Ulmenetha approached the giant warrior. ‘That was a brave act,’ she said, ‘to charge a mounted knight. I must say you surprised me.’


Bison turned to her and gave a wide, gap-toothed grin. ‘If you’d like to thank me properly we could move further back into the bushes.’

‘Now, that reaction doesn’t surprise me,’ she said. With a withering glance at his naked lower body she added: ‘And find some fresh leggings. There are ladies present.’

That’s when I normally need it,’ he said, still grinning.

Swinging away the priestess walked back to where Axiana and Pharis were sitting together. From the wagon Conalin grinned at the old man. ‘Women,’ said Bison, ‘who can understand them?’ Conalin shrugged.

‘I don’t,’ he admitted. ‘But I know enough to realize that she doesn’t like you.’

‘You think so?’ asked Bison, genuinely surprised. ‘What makes you believe that?’

Conalin laughed aloud. ‘Perhaps I’m wrong.’

‘I think you might be,’ agreed Bison.

Black smoke was rising from the blazing bridge, and Nogusta strode to the bank, staring across the river to where the eight remaining Krayakin warriors waited. Dagorian joined him. ‘There are other bridges,’ he said. ‘But we have gained a little time.’

The Krayakin divided into two groups. Four warriors rode down river towards the west, the other four head­ing east.

‘We have had more luck than we deserve,’ said Nogusta, softly.

‘What happened back in the forest?’

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Categories: David Gemmell