Davis, Jerry – Dna Prospector

It had been several weeks since Gregson had used Vern’s bio-computer to register the DNA and have the copyright granted. So far he’d had several very lucrative offers on the license to use the DNA code, and he had turned every one of them down. Bankrightk had made some strong-arm efforts to force him to sell, but being that he was now an officer of the law, they had quickly backed off and the local office had closed down.

“Ah, James!” Vern said, coming into the room. He grabbed Gregson’s hand and shook it hard. “I’m afraid you’ve missed Bethany, she’s out at the market right now.”

“I know. Actually, it’s you I’ve come to see,” Gregson said.

“Me? Well!” He sat down at the table across from Gregson.

“What can I do for you?”

Gregson cleared his throat. “As you know, I’ve decided not to sell the license to use the telepathy DNA. Bethany and I figured that there was too many unethical uses for it, that it outweighed any good that may come out of it.”

“I have to admire you for that, though I can’t say I would do the same thing. You’re passing up a life of ease for, what, a career in law enforcement? What a choice.”

“Out there in the forest I reached a turning point for my whole life,” Gregson said. “That’s why I am here right now.”


“Yes sir.”

“Sir?” Vern grinned.

“Yes, sir,” Gregson grinned back. “I realized that while most of my adult life I was searching for that motherload, that one DNA fragment that would make all my dreams come true, I’ve come to the point where I would trade it all for one thing. And that is your daughter, Vern. I am in love with Bethany. I realized out there that nothing mattered to me but her. And so I’m, um … I’m asking your … um …”


“I would like your permission to take her as my wife.”

Vern was smiling broadly. “Well now! I have to admit I expected this, but it’s still refreshing to think that in this day and age a man will still come and ask a girl’s father for permission to marry her. Son, I can’t think of a single reason to say no. You have my blessing.”

A while later he stepped outside, only to see that Bethany was waiting for him. “He said yes,” Gregson said.

She squealed with delight, jumped into his arms, and they kissed.

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Categories: Davis, Jerry