David Gemmell. The Hawk Enternal

They reached the trees ahead of their pursuers. What they needed now was somewhere to hide. The problem was that in the dark Gaelen had no way of knowing what sort of tracks they were leaving. He halted and grabbed Deva’s arm. ‘Give them something to think about,’ he said. As the Aenir reached the bottom of the slope she sent a shaft into their ranks, catching a man high in the shoulder. The man cursed loudly, the rest diving to the ground. There were only ten men in the pursuing group, and none of them wanted to rush uphill towards a hidden archer.

‘Now, let’s go,’ said Gaelen.

Deva shook her head, still fighting to catch her breath. ‘Need… a… moment,’ she said. Taking the bow, he crouched at the edge of the trees, trying to spot any attempt to outflank them.

After a few moments Deva tapped his shoulder. Tm ready,’ she told him. He nodded and they slipped away into the trees.

As dawn lit the valleys Gaelen took a desperate gamble. Believing them clear of the Aenir he decided to push on through the day, reaching Attafoss before dark. He knew the risks were great, for there could well be enemy soldiers ahead. But, he thought, they would certainly catch up should he hide all day waiting for darkness. And he had no desire to repeat last night’s adventures.

They crossed the open ground and found no sign of the enemy.

Render loped out ahead of them, cutting off to chase a hare, but it

ducked out of sight and the hound padded back to his master. High

| in the mountains now, the pursuit far behind them, Gaelen relaxed.

Deva also felt tension easing from her.

‘You don’t say much, Gaelen,’ she said.

‘No. I’m not very good with words.’

‘Is that true? Or are you just anxious around women?’

‘That, too.’

‘Do you like Layne?’

‘Yes, he’s a good friend.’ a ‘He wants to marry me.”

Gaelen felt a knot of tension growing within him. Angry and uncertain, he said nothing.

‘Well, speak, clansman.’

‘What is there to say? You did not ask a question. You know that I feel… that I would like … damn! As I said, I am not good with words. I lived alone for many years as a child. I talked to few people; | I never learned the art of conversation. I am dull though I would prefer not to be. It would be nice to make people laugh with a witty jest, but it’s not the way I am.’

‘You are fine the way you are,’ she said, feeling guilty and a little ashamed. ‘I’m sorry. I should not have teased you.’

‘You could have picked a better time,’ he said, smiling.

‘Yes. Do you think the clan will be at Attafoss.’

‘I hope so.’

‘You are a fine man, Gaelen. Truly fine.’

‘I am glad that you think so. Will you wed Layne?’

‘No,’ she told him softly. ‘When I was born an old tinker-woman make a prediction for me. She said I would be the mother of kings.’

‘What does that mean? There are no kings.’

‘Not here in the highlands,’ she said, ‘but there are tales of faraway lands where kings and princes rule. One day a man will come – and I will wed him.’

‘I don’t begin to understand,’ he said. ‘What is so important about wedding a king? Or being the mother of one, for that matter? What about love, Deva? Happiness?”

‘How could you understand?’ she said. ‘You were an orphan and a thief. It wasn’t your fault. But I shall live in a palace, and my name will be known throughout the world. Perhaps for ever.’

He stood silently for a moment. ‘I would marry you,’ he said, ‘and spend my life making you happy. It is a dream I have had since first I saw you. But I cannot give you a palace, Deva.’

She looked up at him and, for a single heartbeat, felt like taking him in her arms and turning her back on the dream she had nurtured. But the dream was too strong and Deva shook her head. ‘I know that I love you, Gaelen. Truly. But you must find another,’ she said softly, surprised that the words left her feeling empty and more than a little frightened.

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