There were no hardships this time, and no moments when either of them thought they had seen their last breath of air drawn—except once, when a bull moose with spiderweb antlers (which were really antennae) loped across their path, directly in front of them. They had missed it by inches, and it had charged after them, its gossamer antlers rippling and swaying above its head; but it had been no match for the sled.

They reached the second fortress in five hours, never driving faster than fifty nor slower than thirty, weaving in and out of trees, hugging the sides of valleys and bucking crazily up over the ruggedest drifts they had ever seen. It was well before dawn that they found the mountain which housed their sanctuary and achieved the door in its base that led to a sled berth like the one they had departed from earlier in the night. It was structured much the same as the first stronghold, though it was far larger. When they had looked at only a small bit of it, they agreed that a full reconnaissance could wait until morning.

“One thing,” he said, wearily, as they tumbled into bed.

“What’s that?” she asked, sounding even sleepier than he.

“We can’t stay here more than another day or two.”

She sat up. “Why not?”

“Because, love, even though I tried to pull every trace of the other three fortresses from the library of the first, there is bound to be a reference hidden in one of the thousands of other spools of data. And you can be damn sure they’re going to go over that library with a microscope—especially when they discover we’ve seen fit to deplete it of large sections of knowledge. They’ll know, at once, that there is another place like the first, and they’ll waste nothing to find it. It won’t take them long at all. They can even use Fortress One’s computer to scan Fortress One’s library and save themselves a few thousand man hours.”

“But what can we do?”

“Only one thing,” he said. He yawned and rolled over.

“Wait just a damn minute!” she exploded, dragging him onto his back again. “What’s the one thing?”

“It’ll take a long time to explain. And it’s going to require a very emotional and important decision on your part. Wait until you feel better, wait until you’re rested.”

“Now,” she persisted.

He shrugged, sat up, scratched his head. “Now, eh? Well, you might not like this. You may even hate me for suggesting it. It’s not going to be pretty, and we can’t kid ourselves that it will be an easy thing to do. You still want to hear, now?”

“Go on,” she said.

He did . . .


THE GENERAL sat in the passenger seat of his private helicopter as the pilot brought it around Needlepoint, the mountain which contained Fortress Two. In his lap was a book about ancient mythology, a subject he explored with great interest whenever the duties of his command would permit. He fingered the leather-bound volume now as he watched troop copters settling into position as they had been commanded. One touched down at the base of Needlepoint, blocking exit from the concealed sled door. A blunder like that which had been perpetrated at the first stronghold would not occur here. Two other copters jockeyed for position near the observation deck near the top of the mountain, that cunningly crafted platform of stone that seemed such a natural part of the land.

The general picked up the microphone. “Go in, Explosives.”

A team of three blue-suited Alliance soldiers jumped from the cargo bay side door of one of the copters, three feet to the ledge below. Two cases of tools were handed down, and in a moment, the trio was at work.

The general thought, sitting there above the night and watching the small drama being played out in the light of the copter lamps, that he was much like a god himself. The notion pleased him considerably. He picked up the mike and said, to the copter that had been carrying the explosives team, “Tell them to hurry it up!”

The three men, a moment later, responded to the order repeated to them by an unseen hand in the copter’s cargo bay and stepped up the pace of their activities considerably. Within two minutes, they stepped back from the seemingly natural rock wall before them, looked at their watches, tensed a second before the explosion echoed and the stone flew inwards, away from them, and made an entrance into Fortress Two.

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Categories: Koontz, Dean