Debt Of Honor by Clancy, Tom

took only three minutes before Nomuri had to close his eyes again, a smile

fixed on his lips. Both actions were the result of his training in Yorktown,

Virginia, as was that of his memory, which struggled now to record every

single word while another part of his consciousness wondered how the hell

he was going to get the information out. His other reaction was one that

Taoka could neither see nor hear, a quintessential Americanism, spoken

within the confines of the CIA officer’s mind: You motherfuckers!

‘ ‘Okay, JUMPER is up and pretty much put together,” Helen d’Agustino said.

“JASMINE”-the code name for Anne Durling-“will be in another cabin.

SecState and SecTreas are up and having their coffee. Arnie van Damm is

probably in better shape than anybody aboard. Showtime. How about the


“They’ll join up in about twenty minutes. We went with the F-I5S out of

Otis. Better range, they’ll follow us all the way down. I’m really being para-

noid on that, ain’t I?”

Daga’s eyes gave off a coldly professional smile. “You know what I’ve

always liked about you, Dr. Ryan?”

“What’s that?”

“I don’t have to explain security to you like I do with everybody else.

You think just like I do.” It was a lot for a Secret Service agent to say.’ ‘The

President is waiting, sir.” She led him down the stairs.

Ryan bumped into his wife on the way forward. Pretty as ever, she was

not suffering from the previous night despite her husband’s warning, and on

seeing Jack she almost made a joke that it was he who’d had the prob-

“What’s the matter?”

“Business, Cathy.”


Her husband just nodded and went forward, past a Secret Service agent

and an armed Air Force security policeman. The two convertible couches

had been made up. President Durling was sitting down in suit pants and

white shirt. His tie and jacket were not in evidence at this time. A silver pot

of coffee was on the low table. Ryan could see out the windows on both

sides of the nose cabin. They were Hying a thousand feet or so above fleecy

cumulus clouds.

“I hear you’ve been up all night, Jack,” Durling said.

“Since before Iceland, whenever that was, Mr. President,” Ryan told

him. He hadn’t washed, hadn’t shaved, and his hair probably looked like

Cathy’s after a long procedure under a surgical cap. Worse still was the look

in his eyes as he prepared to deliver grimmer news than he’d ever spoken.

“You look like hell. What’s the problem?”

“Mr. President, based on information received over the last few hours, I

believe that the United States of America is at war with Japan.”

‘ ‘What you need is a good chief to run this for you,” Jones observed.

“Ron, one more of those, and I’ll toss you in the brig, okay? You’ve

thrown enough weight around for one day,” Mancuso replied in a weary

voice. “Those people were under my command, remember?”

” Have I been that much of a jerk?”

“Yeah, Jonesy, you have.” Chambers handled that answer. “Maybe Sea-

ton needed to be brought up short once, but you overdid it big-time. And

now we need solutions, not smartass bullshit.”

Jones nodded but kept his own counsel. “Very well, sir. What assets do

we have?”

“Best estimate, they have eighteen boats deployable. Two are in overhaul

status and are probably unavailable for months at least,” Chambers replied,

doing the enemy first. “With Charlotte and Asheville out of the game, we

have a total of seventeen. Four of those are in yard-overhaul and unavailable.

Four more are in bobtail-refits alongside the pier here or in ‘Dago. Another

four are in the IO. Maybe we can shake those loose, maybe we can’t. That

leaves five. Three of those are with the carriers for the ‘exercise,’ one’s right

down below at the pier. The last one’s at sea up in the Gulf of Alaska doing

workups. That has a new CO-what, just three weeks since he relieved?”

“Correct.” Mancuso nodded. “He’s just learning the job.”

“Jesus, the cupboard’s that bare?” Jones was now regretting his com-

ment on having a good chief around. The mighty United States Pacific Fleet,

as recently as five years ago the most powerful naval force in the history of

civilization, was now a frigate navy.

“Five of us, eighteen of them, and they’re all spun-up to speed. They’ve

been running ops for the last couple of months.” Chambers looked at the

wall chart and frowned. “That’s one big fuckin’ ocean, Jonesy.” It was the

way he added the last statement that worried the contractor.

‘ ‘The four in refits?”

“That order’s out. ‘Expedite readiness for sea.’ And that brings the num-

ber to nine, in a couple of weeks, if we’re lucky.”

“Mr. Chambers, sir?”

Chambers turned back. “Yeah, Petty Officer Jones?”

“Remember when we used to head up north, all alone, Hacking lour or

five of the bad guys at once?”

The operations officer nodded soberly, almost nostalgically. His ivply

was quiet. “Long time ago, Jonesy. We’re dealing with SSKs now, on their

home turf and-”

“Did you trade your balls in to get that fourth stripe on your shoulder1.'”

Chambers turned around in an instant rage.

“You listen to me, boy, I-” But Ron Jones just snarled back.

” ‘I,’ hell, you, used to be a kickass officer! I trusted you to know what to

do with the data I gave you, just like I trusted him-” Jones pointed to Ad-

miral Mancuso. “When I sailed with you guys, we were the class of the

whole fuckin’ world. And if you did your job right as a CO, and if you’ve

been doing your job right as a type-commander, Bart, then those kids out

there still are. Goddamn it! When I tossed my bag down the hatch on Dallas

the first time, I trusted you guys to know your damned job. Was I wrong,

gentlemen? Remember the motto on Dallas? ‘First in Harm’s Way’! What

the hell’s the matter here?” The question hung in the air for several seconds.

Chambers was too angry to take it in. SubPac was not.

“We look that bad?” Mancuso asked.

“Sure as hell, sir. Okay, we took it in the ass from these bastards. Time to

start thinking about catchup. We’re the varsity, aren’t we? Who’s better

suited to it than we are?”

“Jones, you always did have a big mouth,” Chambers said. Then he

looked back at the chart. “But I guess maybe it is time to go to work.”

A chief petty officer stuck his head in the door. “Sir, Pasadena just

checked in from down the hill. Ready in all respects to get under way, the

CO requests orders.”

“How’s he loaded?” Mancuso replied, knowing that if he’d really done

his job right over the past few days the question would have been unneces-


“Twenty-two ADCAPs, six Harpoons, and twelve T-LAM-Cs. They’re

all warshots,” the chief replied. “He’s ready to rock, sir.”

ComSubPac nodded. “Tell him to stand by for mission orders.”

“Aye aye, sir.”

“Good skipper?” Jones asked.

“He got the Battle-E last year,” Chamber said. “Tim Parry. He was my

XO on Key West. He’ll do.”

“So now all he needs is a job.”

Mancuso lifted the secure phone for CINCPAC. “Yeah.”

“Signal from State Department,” the Air Force communications officer

said, entering the room. “The Japanese Ambassador requests an urgent

meeting with the President.”


“We see what he has to say,” SecState said. Ryan nodded agreement.

“Any chance at all that this is some kind of mistake?” Durling asked.

“We expect some hard intelligence anytime now from a satellite pass

over the Marianas. It’s dark there, but that won’t matter much.” Ryan had

finished his briefing, and on completion the data he’d managed to deliver

seemed very thin. The baseline truth here was that what had evidently taken

place was so wildly beyond the limits of reason that he himself would not be

fully satisfied until he saw the overheads himself.

“If it’s real, then what?”

“That will take a little time,” Ryan admitted. “We want to hear what

their ambassador has to say.”

“What are they really up to?” Treasury Secretary Fiedler asked.

“Unknown, sir. Just pissing us off, it isn’t worth the trouble. We have

nukes. They don’t. It’s all crazy …” Ryan said quietly. “It doesn’t make

any sense at all.” Then he remembered that in 1939, Germany’s biggest

trading partner had been . . . France. History’s most often repeated lesson

was that logic was not a constant in the behavior of nations. The study of

history was not always bilateral. And the lessons learned from history de-

pended on the quality of the student. Worth remembering, Jack thought, be-

cause the other guy might forget.

“It’s got to be some kind of mistake,” Hanson announced. “A couple of

accidents. Maybe our two subs collided under the water and maybe we have

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