Debt Of Honor by Clancy, Tom

needed time to absorb such lessons … RANGE TO TARGET i 456 MILES. Still

well under the horizon from the Japanese aircraft, he gave his first vocal

command of the mission.

“Lightning Lead to Flight. Split into elements, now!”

Instantly, the two sets of four aircraft divided into pairs, separated by two

thousand yards. In both cases the F-22S held the lead, and in both cases the

trailing F-i5Es tucked in dangerously close to create a radar overlap. The

colonel in command flew as straight and level as his practiced skills allowed,

and he smiled to himself at the memory of the major’s remark. Nice ass, eh?

She was the first woman to fly with the Thunderbirds. Strobe lights went off,

and he hoped that the low-light gear she was wearing was working properly.

The northern £-767 was now four hundred miles away. The fighters cruised

in at five hundred knots, altitude thirty-five thousand feet for fuel economy.

The work schedule typical of Japanese executives made the entry less obvi-

ous than would have been the case in America. A man was in the lobby, but

he was watching TV, and Clark and Chavez walked through as though they

knew where they were going, and crime was not a problem in Tokyo any-

way. Breathing a little rapidly, they got into an elevator and punched a but-

ton, trading a relieved look that soon changed to renewed apprehension.

Ding was carrying his briefcase. Clark was not, and both were dressed in

their best suits and ties and white shirts, looking for all the world like busi-

nesspeople coining in for a late night’s conference on something or other.

The elevator slopped five floors from the top, a level selected because of the

lack of lights in the windows. Clark stuck his head out, knowing that it

looked vaguely criminal to do so, but the corridor was empty.

They moved quickly and quietly around the central bearing core of the

building, found the fire stairs, and started to climb. They looked for security

cameras, and again, thankfully, there were none on this level. Clark checked

up and down. No one else was in the stairwell. He continued to head up,

looking and listening before every movement.

“Our friends are back,” one of the airborne controllers announced over the

intercom. “Bearing zero-three-three, range four-two-zero kilometers.

One-no, two contacts, close formation, military aircraft inbound, speed

five hundred knots,” he concluded the announcement rapidly.

“Very well,” the senior controller responded evenly, selecting the dis-

play for his screen as he switched channels on his command phones. “Any

radar activity to the northeast?”

“None,” the electronic-countermeasures officer replied at once. “He

could be out there monitoring us, of course.”


The next order of business was to release the two fighters orbiting east of

the Kami aircraft. Both F-i5Js had recently arrived on station, and had

nearly full fuel tanks. An additional call ordered two more up from Chitose

Air Base. They would need about fifteen minutes to get on station, but that

was fine, the senior controller thought. He had the time.

“Lock on to them,” he ordered the operator.

“Got us already, do you?” the Colonel asked himself. “Good.” He held

course and speed, wanting them to get a good feel for his location and activi-

ties. The rest was mainly a matter of arithmetic. Figure the Eagles were now

about two hundred miles away, closing speed about a thousand. Six minutes

to separation. He checked his clock and commanded his eyes to sweep the

skies for something a little too bright to be a star.

There was a camera on the top level of the stairs. So Yamata was a little

paranoid. But even paranoids had enemies, Clark thought, noticing that the

body of the camera appeared to be pointed at the next landing. Ten steps to

the landing, and ten more to the next, where the door was. He decided to take

a moment to think about that. Chavez turned the knob on the door to his

right. It didn’t appear to be locked. Probably fire codes, Clark thought, ac-

knowledging the information with a IKK! but gelling out his burglar tools


“Well, what d’yji think?”

“I think I’d rather be somewhere else.” Ding hud his light in his hand as

John took his pistol out and screwed the suppressor in plitce “l-asl or


That was the only remaining choice, really. A slow approach, like people

on regular business, lost, perhaps … no, not this time. Clark held up one

linger, took a deep breath and bounded upwards. Four seconds lulcr he

twisted the knob at the top landing and flung the door open. John dove to Ihe

floor, his pistol out and training in on the target. Ding jumped past him,

stood, and aimed his own weapon.

The guard outside the door had been looking the other way when the stair-

way entrance swung open. He turned in automatic alarm and saw a large

man lying sideways on the floor and possibly aiming a gun at him. That

caused him to reach for his own as his eyes locked on the potential targets.

There was a second man, holding something else that-

At this range the light had almost a physical force. The three million can-

dles of energy turned the entire world into the face of the sun, and then the

energy overload invaded the man’s central nervous system along the trigem-

inal nerve, which runs from the back of the eye along the base of the brain,

branching out through the neural network that controls the voluntary mus-

cles. The effect, as in Africa, was to overload the guard’s nervous system.

He fell to the floor like a rag doll, his twitching right hand still grasping a

pistol. The light was sufficiently bright that reflection from the white-

painted walls dazzled Chavez slightly, but Clark had remembered to shut his

eyes and raced for the double doors, which he drove apart with his shoulder.

One man was in view, just getting up from a chair in front of the TV, his

face surprised and alarmed at the unannounced entry. There wasn’t time for

mercy. Clark brought the gun up in both hands and squeezed twice, both

shots entering the man’s forehead. John felt Ding’s hand on his shoulder,

which allowed him to move right, almost running now, down a hallway,

looking into each room. Kitchen, he thought. You always found people in


He did. This man was almost his height, and his gun was already out as he

moved for the hallway that led to the foyer, calling out a name and a ques-

tion, but he, too, was a little slow, and his gun was still down, and he met a

man with his pistol up and ready. It was the last thing he would ever see.

Clark needed another half a minute to check out the rest of the luxury apart-

ment, but found only empty rooms.

“Yevgeniy Pavlovich?” he called.

“Vanya, this way!” :

Clark moved back left, taking a quick look at both of the men he’d killed

its he tlul MI. just ID make sure, really. He knew that he’d remember these

Ixnlicv »\ he did all the others, knew that they’d come back to him, and he’d

try In explain away their deaths, as he always did.

K.OHU was sitting there, remarkably pale as Chave/VChekov finished

checking out the room. The guy in front of the TV hadn’t managed to clear

Ihc pistol from his shoulder holster-probably an idea he’d gotten from a

movie, Clark thought. The things were damned near useless if you needed

your weapon in a hurry.

“Clear left,” Chavez said, remembering to speak in Russian.

“Clear right.” Clark commanded himself to calm down, looking at the

guy by the TV, wondering which of the people they’d killed had been re-

sponsible for the death of Kim Norton. Well, probably not the one outside.

“Who are you?” Koga demanded with a mixture of shock and anger, not

quite remembering that they had met before. Clark took a breath before an-


“Koga-san, we are the people who are rescuing you.”

“You killed them!” The man pointed with a shaking hand.

‘ ‘We can speak about that later, perhaps. Will you come with us, please?

You are not in danger from us, sir.”

Koga wasn’t inhuman. Clark admired his concern for the dead men, even

though they had clearly not been friends. But it was time to get him the hell

out of here.

“Which one was Kaneda?” Chavez asked. The former Prime Minister

pointed to the one in the room. Ding walked over for a last look and

managed not to say anything before directing his eyes to Clark, his expres-

sion one that only the two could possibly understand.

“Vanya, time to leave.”

His threat receiver was going slightly nuts. The screen was all reds and yel-

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