Debt Of Honor by Clancy, Tom

Sato thanked Providence for the timing of the event, and for the TCAS Sys-

tem. Though the transatlantic air routes were never empty, travel between

Europe and America was timed to coincide with human sleep patterns, and

this time of day was slack for westbound flights. The TCAS sent out interro-

gation signals, and would alert him to the presence of nearby aircraft. At the

moment there was nothing close-his display said CLEAR OF CONFLICT,

meaning that there was no traffic within eighty miles. That enabled him to

slip into a west-bound routing quite easily, tracking down the coast, three

hundred miles out. The pilot checked his time against his memorized flight

plan. Again he’d figured the winds exactly right in both directions. His tim-

ing had to be exact, because the Americans could be very punctual. At 2030

hours, he turned west. He was tired now, having spent most of the last

twenty-four hours in the air. There was rain on the American East Coast, and

while that would make for a bumpy ride lower down, he was a pilot and

hardly noticed such things. The only real annoyance was all the tea he’d

drunk. He really needed to go to the head, but he couldn’t leave the flight

deck unattended, and there was less than an hour to endure the discomfort.

“Daddy, what does this mean? Do we still go to the same school?” Sally

asked from the rear-facing seat in the limousine. Cathy handled the answer.

It was a mommy-question.

“Yes, and you’ll even have your own driver.”

“Neat!” little Jack thought.

Their father was having second thoughts, as he usually did after making

an important decision, even though he knew it was too late for that. Cathy

looked at his face, read his mind, and smiled at him.

“Jack, it’s only a lew months, and then . . .”

“Yeah.” Her husband nodded. “I can always work on my golf game.”

“And you can finally teach. That’s what I want you to do. That’s what

you need to do.”

“Not back to the banking business?”

“I’m surprised you lasted as long as you did in that.”

“You’re an eye-cutter, not a pshrink.”

“We’ll talk about it,” Professor Ryan said, adjusting Katie Ryan’s dress.


ll was the eleven-months part that appealed to her. After this post, he’d never

come hack to government service again. What a fine gift President Durling

had given them both.

The official car stopped outside the Longworth House Office Building.

There were no crowds there, though some congressional staffers were head-

ing out of the building. Ten Secret Service agents kept an eye on them and

everything else, while four more escorted the Ryans into the building. Al

Trent was at the corner entrance.

“You want to come with me?”


“After you’re confirmed, we walk you in to be sworn, and then you take

your seat behind the President, next to the Speaker,” Sam Fellows ex-

plained. “It was Tish Brown’s idea. It’ll look good.”

“Election-year theatrics,” Jack observed coolly.

“What about us?” Cathy asked.

“It’s a nice family picture,” Al thought.

“I don’t know why I’m so darned excited about this,” Fellows grumbled

in his most good-natured way. “This is going to make November hard for

us. I suppose that never occurred to you?”

“Sorry, Sam, no, it didn’t,” Jack replied with a sheepish grin.

“This hovel was my first office,” Trent said, opening the door on the

bottom floor to the suite of offices he’d used for ten terms. “I keep it for

luck. Please-sit down and relax a little. One of his staffers came in with soft

drinks and ice, under the watchful eyes of Ryan’s protective detail. Andrea

Price started playing with the Ryan kids again. It looked unprofessional but

was not. The kids hud to be comfortable around her, and she’d already made

a good start at that.

President Durling’s car arrived without incident. Escorts conveyed him to

the Speaker’s official office adjacent to the chamber, where he went over his

speech again. JASMINE, Mrs. Durling, with her own escorts, took an elevator

to the official gallery. By this tiim- the chamber was half-filled. It wasn’t

accepted for people to be fashionably late, perhaps the only such occasion

for members of the Congress. They assembled in little knots of friends for

the most part, and walked in by party, the seats divided by a very real if

invisible line. The rest of the government would come in later. All nine jus-

tices of the Supreme Court, all members of the Cabinet who happened to be

in town (two were not), and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in their beribboned

uniforms were led to the front row. Then the heads of independent agencies.

Bill Shaw of the FBI. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Finally, under

the nervous eyes of security people and the usual gaggle of advance person-

nel, it was ready, on time, as it always seemed to happen.

The seven networks interrupted their various programming. Anchorper-



sons appeared to announce that the Presidential Address was about to begin,

giving the viewers enough information that they could head off to the

kitchen and make their sandwiches without really missing anything.

The Doorkeeper of the House, holder of one of the choicest patronage

jobs in the country-a fine salary and no real duties-walked halfway down

the aisle and performed his one public function with his customary booming


“Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States.”

Roger Durling entered the chamber, striding down the aisle with brief

stops to shake hands, his red-leather folder tucked under his arm. It held a

paper copy of his speech in the event that the TelePrompTers broke. The

applause was deafening and sincere. Even those in the opposition party

recognized that Durling had kept his promise to preserve, protect, and de-

fend the Constitution of the United States, and as powerful a force as poli-

tics was, there was also still honor and patriotism in the room, especially

at times like this. Durling reached the well, then climbed up to his place on

the podium, and it was time for the Speaker of the House to do his cere-

monial duty:

“Members of the Congress, I have the distinct privilege, and high honor,

to introduce the President of the United States.” And the applause began

afresh. This time there was the usual contest between the parties to see who

could clap and cheer the loudest and the longest.

“Okay, remember what happens-”

“Okay, Al! I go in, the Chief Justice swears me in, and I take my seat. All

I have to do is repeat it all back.” Ryan sipped a glass of Coke and wiped

sweaty hands on his trousers. A Secret Service agent fetched him a towel.

“Washington Center, this is K.LM Six-Five-Niner. We have an onboard

emergency, sir.” The voice was in clipped aviatorese, the sort of speech that

people used when everything was going to hell.

The air-traffic controller outside Washington noted the alpha-numeric

icon had just tripled in si/.c on his scope and keyed his own microphone. The

display gave course, speed, and altitude. His first impression was that the

aircraft was making a rapid descent.

“Six-Five-Niner, this is Washington Center. State your intentions, sir.”

“Center, Six-Five-Niner, number-one engine has exploded, engines one

and two lost. Structural integrity in doubt. So is controllability. Request

radar vector direct Baltimore.”

The controller waved sharply to his supervisor, who came over at once.

“Wait a minute. Who is this?” He interrogated the computer and found

no “strip” information for KLM-659.



The controller keyed his radio. “Six-Five-Niner, please identify, over.”

This reply was more urgent.

“Washington Center, this is KLM-Six-Five-Niner, we are 747 charter in-

bound Orlando, three hundred pax,” the voice replied. “Repeating: we have

two engines out and structural damage to port wing and fuselage. I am de-

scending one-zero thousand now. Request immediate radar vector direct

Baltimore, over!”

“We can’t dick around with this,” the supervisor thought. “Take him.

Get him down.”

“Very well, sir. Six-Five-Niner Heavy. Radar contact. I read you one-

four thousand descending and three hundred knots. Recommend left turn

two-niner-zero and continue descent and maintain one-zero-thousand.”

“Six-Five-Niner, descending one-zero thousand, turning left two-niner-

zero,” Sato said in reply. English was the language on international air

travel, and his was excellent. So far so good. He had more than half of his

fuel still aboard, and was barely a hundred miles out, according to his satel-

lite-navigation system.

At Baltimore-Washington International Airport, the fire station located near

the main terminal was immediately alerted. Airport employees who ordinar-

ily had other jobs ran or drove to the building, while controllers decided

quickly which aircraft they could continue to land before the wounded 747

got close and which they would have to stack. The emergency plan was al-

ready written here, as for every major airport. Police and other services were

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