Desperado by Sandra Hill

“I love you so much,” he whispered. “I never loved anyone before. I didn’t know it could feel so… so…”


“That, and so much more.”

Her brow furrowed. “But, Rafe, I don’t want us to be blinded by all these emotions. We still have problems to — ”

“Shhh,” he said, stopping her words with a kiss. “We’re going to work out our problems. I’ve told you before, there must be some divine reason for our being in this crazy time warp.”

“You really are getting religion, aren’t you?” She laughed.

“Not that much religion.” He rubbed his hairy chest across her breasts in emphasis.

She inhaled sharply at the delicious torture, and he grinned.

“Let me get the last of this serious business off my chest — ”

“I like what you do with your chest,” she purred.

“Stop interrupting me,” he said, nibbling at her bottom lip with his teeth. “What happened before can be excused as a momentary lapse of judgment, but — ”

“It felt like more than a lapse to me,” she said with feigned indignation.

“You are really asking for trouble, aren’t you? But I’m not going to let you put me off. Our lovemaking outside happened in a heated rush, without thinking. I know what I’m doing now, though, and I’m taking the gamble willingly.”

“And if there’s a baby?”

His stomach flip-flopped with queasiness. “Then we’ll have a baby.”

She blinked back the tears that misted her brown eyes — gorgeous, adoring brown eyes. “But you’d rather not?”

“I don’t know what I want anymore. Yes, I do. I want you. And whatever else comes with the package, well…” He shrugged. “I just don’t want you to worry. Okay?”

She nodded.

“Now, soldier, let’s start with fantasy number one,” he said, changing the mood abruptly. “I’m the officer, and you’re my new recruit. You must obey my every command. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir!” She tried but failed to suppress a giggle. “Should I salute?”

“The officer salutes first. You know that,” he reprimanded, then raised himself slightly, looking down. “Yep, I’m saluting.”

She arched her back, lifting her breasts to abrade his chest.

“I like your method of saluting, too,” he rasped out, pressing her down to the bed with his lowering mouth. He kissed her forehead tenderly, swept her cheek with his lips, then blew against the pulsing hollow at the curve of her throat. She was eager for more, but he wanted this time to be a slow celebration of love. “Easy, babe, easy.”

Helen balked, glaring at Rafe. She didn’t want to go easy. She wanted him, all of him. No cool restraint. No fighting his feelings. Framing his face with both hands, she pulled him to her lips.

His first kiss was so slow it took her breath away. The second started with his tongue tracing the parted fullness of her lips, then dipping in to explore the erotic recesses of her mouth. She felt that kiss inside her fluttery belly and swelling breasts. With a moan, she gave herself up to the devouring kisses that followed, alternately soft and sweet, then deep and sinfully hot.

When he dragged his lips from hers, struggling for breath, she choked out, “Some military drill! What was that called?”

“Plundering.” He smiled against her neck and moved south. Rolling to the side, he examined her body with his hungry eyes, not touching, just looking. “Hmmm. I think it’s time for some reconnaissance.”

“An exploratory survey of the enemy’s territory?”

“Uh huh. Oh, I see bunkers ahead that look… interesting. Beware those two sentinels on the top.” He kissed first one, then the other taut nipple.

“Do you always kiss the sentinels?” she gasped out.

“It’s a new military strategy,” he said thickly, wetting her with his tongue, then blowing her dry with his searing breath.

“Ah,” she sighed, then, “A-a-ah” as he continued to explore her “bunkers” with lips and teeth and teasing tongue. While he fondled one breast and took another deep in his mouth, suckling, she shivered with the wildfire that overwhelmed her.

“Uh oh, I see a sand trap up ahead.” His mouth left her breasts, which ached for more attention, and moved to her navel. He studied her navel with his fingertips and pointed tongue.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra