Bond obediently picked up the Top Crystal’ and for the next quarter, of an hour M led him through the whole range of diamonds down to a wonderful series of coloured stones, ruby red, blue, pink, yellow, green and violet. Finally, M pushed over a packet of smaller stones, all flawed or marked or of poor colour. “Industrial diamonds. Not what they call ‘gem quality’. Used in machine tools and so forth. But don’t despise them. America bought £5,000,000 worth of them last year, and that’s only one of the markets. Bronsteen told me it was stones like these that were used for cutting the St Gothard tunnel. At the other end of the scale, dentists use them for drilling your teeth. They’re the hardest substance in the world. Last forever.”

M pulled out his pipe and started to fill it. “And now you know as much about diamonds as I do.”

Bond sat back in his chair and gazed vaguely at the bits of tissue paper and glittering stones that lay scattered across the red leather surface of M’s desk. He wondered what it was all about.

There was the rasp of a match against a box and Bond watched M tamp the burning tobacco down in the bowl of his pipe and then put the matchbox back in his pocket and tilt his chair in M’s favourite attitude for reflection.

Bond glanced down at his watch. It was 11.30. Bond thought with pleasure of the in-tray piled with Top Secret dockets he had gladly abandoned when the red telephone had summoned him an hour before. He felt fairly confident that now he wouldn’t have to deal with them. “I guess it’s a job,” the Chief of Staff had said in answer to Bond’s inquiry. “The Chief says he won’t take any more calls before lunch and he’s made an appointment for you at the Yard for two o’clock. Step on it.” And Bond had reached for his coat and had gone into the outer office where he was pleased to see his secretary registering in another bulky file with a Most Immediate tab.

“M,” said Bond as she looked up. “And Bill says it looks like a job. So don’t think you’re going to have the pleasure of shovelling that lot into my in-tray. You can post it off to the Daily Express for all I care.” He grinned at her. “Isn’t that chap Sefton Delmer a boy friend of yours, Lil? Just the stuff for him, I expect.”

She looked at him appraisingly. “Your tie’s crooked,” she said coldly. “And anyway I hardly know him.” She bent over her registry and Bond went out and along the corridor and thought how lucky he was to have a beautiful secretary.

There was a creak from M’s chair and Bond looked across the table at the man who held a great deal of his affection and all his loyalty and obedience.

The grey eyes looked back at him thoughtfully. M took the pipe out of his mouth. “How long have you been back from that holiday in France?”

“Two weeks, Sir.”

“Have a good time?”

“Not bad, Sir. Got a bit bored towards the end.”

M made no comment. “I’ve been looking at your record sheet. Small-arms marks seem to be keeping well up in the top bracket. Unarmed combat’s satisfactory and your last medical shows you’re in pretty good shape.” M paused. “The point is,” he went on unemotionally, “I’ve got rather a tough assignment for you. Wanted to make sure you’d be able to take care of yourself.”

“Of course, Sir.” Bond was slightly nettled.

“Don’t make any mistake about this job, 007,” said M sharply. “When I say it may be tough, I’m not being melodramatic. There are plenty of tricky people you haven’t met yet, and there may be some of them mixed up in this business. And some of the most efficient. So don’t be tetchy when I think twice before getting you involved in it.”

“Sorry, Sir.”

“All right then,” M put his pipe down and leant forward with his arms crossed on the desk. “I’ll tell you the story and then you can decide whether you want to take it on.”

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Categories: Fleming, Ian