Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

of one house, in the centre, being left open, the view beyond is

shown as in a frame; and that precious glimpse of sky, and water,

and rich buildings, shining so quietly among the huddled roofs and

gables on the bridge, is exquisite. Above it, the Gallery of the

Grand Duke crosses the river. It was built to connect the two

Great Palaces by a secret passage; and it takes its jealous course

among the streets and houses, with true despotism: going where it

lists, and spurning every obstacle away, before it.

The Grand Duke has a worthier secret passage through the streets,

in his black robe and hood, as a member of the Compagnia della

Misericordia, which brotherhood includes all ranks of men. If an

accident take place, their office is, to raise the sufferer, and

bear him tenderly to the Hospital. If a fire break out, it is one

of their functions to repair to the spot, and render their

assistance and protection. It is, also, among their commonest

offices, to attend and console the sick; and they neither receive

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

money, nor eat, nor drink, in any house they visit for this

purpose. Those who are on duty for the time, are all called

together, on a moment’s notice, by the tolling of the great bell of

the Tower; and it is said that the Grand Duke has been seen, at

this sound, to rise from his seat at table, and quietly withdraw to

attend the summons.

In this other large Piazza, where an irregular kind of market is

held, and stores of old iron and other small merchandise are set

out on stalls, or scattered on the pavement, are grouped together,

the Cathedral with its great Dome, the beautiful Italian Gothic

Tower the Campanile, and the Baptistery with its wrought bronze

doors. And here, a small untrodden square in the pavement, is ‘the

Stone of DANTE,’ where (so runs the story) he was used to bring his

stool, and sit in contemplation. I wonder was he ever, in his

bitter exile, withheld from cursing the very stones in the streets

of Florence the ungrateful, by any kind remembrance of this old

musing-place, and its association with gentle thoughts of little


The chapel of the Medici, the Good and Bad Angels, of Florence; the

church of Santa Croce where Michael Angelo lies buried, and where

every stone in the cloisters is eloquent on great men’s deaths;

innumerable churches, often masses of unfinished heavy brickwork

externally, but solemn and serene within; arrest our lingering

steps, in strolling through the city.

In keeping with the tombs among the cloisters, is the Museum of

Natural History, famous through the world for its preparations in

wax; beginning with models of leaves, seeds, plants, inferior

animals; and gradually ascending, through separate organs of the

human frame, up to the whole structure of that wonderful creation,

exquisitely presented, as in recent death. Few admonitions of our

frail mortality can be more solemn and more sad, or strike so home

upon the heart, as the counterfeits of Youth and Beauty that are

lying there, upon their beds, in their last sleep.

Beyond the walls, the whole sweet Valley of the Arno, the convent

at Fiesole, the Tower of Galileo, BOCCACCIO’S house, old villas and

retreats; innumerable spots of interest, all glowing in a landscape

of surpassing beauty steeped in the richest light; are spread

before us. Returning from so much brightness, how solemn and how

grand the streets again, with their great, dark, mournful palaces,

and many legends: not of siege, and war, and might, and Iron Hand

alone, but of the triumphant growth of peaceful Arts and Sciences.

What light is shed upon the world, at this day, from amidst these

rugged Palaces of Florence! Here, open to all comers, in their

beautiful and calm retreats, the ancient Sculptors are immortal,

side by side with Michael Angelo, Canova, Titian, Rembrandt,

Raphael, Poets, Historians, Philosophers – those illustrious men of

history, beside whom its crowned heads and harnessed warriors show

so poor and small, and are so soon forgotten. Here, the

imperishable part of noble minds survives, placid and equal, when

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