Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

stiffly to each other – a most extraordinary termination to the

perspective of some of the narrow streets. The colleges, and

churches too, and palaces: and above all the academy of Fine Arts,

where there are a host of interesting pictures, especially by

GUIDO, DOMENICHINO, and LUDOVICO CARACCI: give it a place of its

own in the memory. Even though these were not, and there were

nothing else to remember it by, the great Meridian on the pavement

of the church of San Petronio, where the sunbeams mark the time

among the kneeling people, would give it a fanciful and pleasant


Bologna being very full of tourists, detained there by an

inundation which rendered the road to Florence impassable, I was

quartered up at the top of an hotel, in an out-of-the-way room

which I never could find: containing a bed, big enough for a

boarding-school, which I couldn’t fall asleep in. The chief among

the waiters who visited this lonely retreat, where there was no

other company but the swallows in the broad eaves over the window,

was a man of one idea in connection with the English; and the

subject of this harmless monomania, was Lord Byron. I made the

discovery by accidentally remarking to him, at breakfast, that the

matting with which the floor was covered, was very comfortable at

that season, when he immediately replied that Milor Beeron had been

much attached to that kind of matting. Observing, at the same

moment, that I took no milk, he exclaimed with enthusiasm, that

Milor Beeron had never touched it. At first, I took it for

granted, in my innocence, that he had been one of the Beeron

servants; but no, he said, no, he was in the habit of speaking

about my Lord, to English gentlemen; that was all. He knew all

about him, he said. In proof of it, he connected him with every

possible topic, from the Monte Pulciano wine at dinner (which was

grown on an estate he had owned), to the big bed itself, which was

the very model of his. When I left the inn, he coupled with his

final bow in the yard, a parting assurance that the road by which I

was going, had been Milor Beeron’s favourite ride; and before the

horse’s feet had well begun to clatter on the pavement, he ran

briskly up-stairs again, I dare say to tell some other Englishman

in some other solitary room that the guest who had just departed

was Lord Beeron’s living image.

I had entered Bologna by night – almost midnight – and all along

the road thither, after our entrance into the Papal territory:

which is not, in any part, supremely well governed, Saint Peter’s

keys being rather rusty now; the driver had so worried about the

danger of robbers in travelling after dark, and had so infected the

brave Courier, and the two had been so constantly stopping and

getting up and down to look after a portmanteau which was tied on

behind, that I should have felt almost obliged to any one who would

have had the goodness to take it away. Hence it was stipulated,

that, whenever we left Bologna, we should start so as not to arrive

at Ferrara later than eight at night; and a delightful afternoon

and evening journey it was, albeit through a flat district which

gradually became more marshy from the overflow of brooks and rivers

in the recent heavy rains.

Page 46

Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

At sunset, when I was walking on alone, while the horses rested, I

arrived upon a little scene, which, by one of those singular mental

operations of which we are all conscious, seemed perfectly familiar

to me, and which I see distinctly now. There was not much in it.

In the blood red light, there was a mournful sheet of water, just

stirred by the evening wind; upon its margin a few trees. In the

foreground was a group of silent peasant girls leaning over the

parapet of a little bridge, and looking, now up at the sky, now

down into the water; in the distance, a deep bell; the shade of

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